The Daily Oklahoman from Oklahoma City, Oklahoma (2025)

Friday, Novombor 7, 1975 37. THIS DAILY OKLAHOMAN 78B Garage Sale Garage Sale Household Goods for Sale 78 I Antiques Auction Sales Business Opportunities '74 For Sale-Miscellaneous 82 WJil Ramos, IV, limsiereo 81 Radios, TV, HI-a Stereo 81 bench, plus usual, Greater Ol.lahoma City Antique Dealer's Assn. presents their tloy. 6 9. Real Bargain, 12x32 POiaole RIVE INN.BIdg.

ft fixtures, wner will finance. AUNDROMAT, good business, gulpmeni In exc. eend, Due to eallh owner needs to nil. a bldgs, lerms, fecial In dash.AM-FM-MPXJ track, 33 channel, CH, all In Warehousing Corp, 1504 NW 5. 53J-440S.

432,2137.. Gar.Salo: 2637 SW 25 baraoe Sale: to 2103 SW 2, Lets of misc. Items. Stick '54 Dodge, 318, RENT COLOR TV Color norloble 14 wk iilack ft.Whl port. 53 wk, ur Etereos wim I track-14 wk Free SftS RENT 3 5.

3 3 5 ft. Garage Sale. Househokl, MtscT, ho Rota ler. TV Perleblts It lack, might Iradr. 477-7003 ANTIQUE Show Sale Censote.Rebul t.

4t07 SEO Backyard Storage. Build- USED Backva fng. 5S15 S. Shields. open a a.m, SE Junior Mckelvy Realtor! Garorje Sale.

a. nig Sale. Frl. 8. Sat.

Lots of goodies, come iee, MW 37, 4 blks. E. ol May Ave. 4013 NW 24 St, lo 3 Friday 5ajyrday Hoaschffld Goods Wanted too TV's I17.9J up. S3 color TV': TRUCKING CO, GRAVELY TRACTORS Rebuilt Gravely (5) 5575.

H4 Grevelv Mower 51,050. Used 3Vi HP Tllller JM, Demo Wsv Grinder 5Hf 5310. Howard Equip. Co. 3401 H.

guar, iromuy up Hpuseheld Goods for Sale 78 HOLLYWOOD BED SALE Whito Zlg-Zag-omotic Christmas Layaway UNCLAIMED In beaulllul new cabinefv Hal never been used. Monograms, bultcnholei, overcasts, i t. Pay U4-40 casn or terrns.lV-L LA5E TOUCH SEW ilg zagger for overcasting lancy stitches, 431. Zuh or terms. N.

May, Open eve. "HOOVER WASHERS Close out. Save ISO Vac Supply Classen 52SWH RECONDITIONED Rangas, treeieri, ash-(i, dryers, dinette sets, black i white color TV 4 Stereos. USED APPLIANCE OUTLET tth Stale Pcrml 'cr total A 2410 II. M'dlan BASE ST Af ION Johnson 132, 23 Channel, PA tillered, Telephone Type, (Rett 5217.95 $179.95 Lalavette Associate Store, 2720 SW 74 681-0353 Stereo Component, turntable, i track, AY-FM stereo sfso.

M24574 between 12 noon 8, 4PM. tilt lyHSilor console 112S Kenwood aula oenoivr Kenwood sooaker svilem, also AUCTION Nov. 8, 197S 10AM Location: eMONWII.OKC IfornerNWlliChlsholml HOUSEHOLD: Furniture. Appliances, Tables. Desks, Chairs, Sons, Lamps, Tyee-writers, Oitlcs, Pots, Pan).

WORK SHOP: Drills, Saws. Vices, Reamers, Files. Grinders, Butlers, Many mere loots, household Items, commercial eauftxnent too numerous to mention. Terms! Cash) check eceeol-ed with prooer 10. No proper-ty to be removed until wilted lor.

For more Information or future sales Contact Auctioneers H. F.Cooke J4UJJ9. Edmond.Okla. Pat K. Patterson J4I-W70, Edmond, Okla.

1 tlouei. Lots ol Seeing Is believing. 2413 NW JS. -elude II trucki. V.

Northwost Auction Wants booo used lurnlturo nlnCaou'l Hill. only 571.500 cash 4 Antlaue record players 1 uorlght piano, exc. cund. 321-Wji alter 5 pm. rice.

Owner wanlsto retire clothes, disftci, For Sale: Dtack ft White 23' Alter 4 PM call TjjWS AmTfm 'Radio, 535.. Record" til Kcwrtson, wz-uss ler ppolntmtnV 3. H. Robertson a on Harvey, Okla. Tty.

Serving Oklahoma Over .54 relrigeraiors treat- 19" Color Porlabto, ers, wcrkln-s Of mi. player ft 2 speakers, solid state stereo 515. bclh working. Another Load Ot Fgrntturi DIAMOND 8 ml. ol Nor-man l-35ALaddRd, 1 ml.

W. J5 DoTls, Buddy Lee. Terry Lees, Others, 12.50 to J45. 7412 Cheoso Irotn 65 Belhroom Vanl-llet 4 Mart'e Sinks, orlci on ina's, 7901 NVJOWTiO "WANTED TO BUY Aulo air, cond. tools ft other re- ralr equipment.

415-2223 fc 730 Sony laoa deck recorder. Set ol Collegiate encyclopedia A stainless steel hlohchalr. M7-5403 BEST GUARANTEE Fren Replacement Tread HiBDONflitE sr-ciUrs, 535 enccllent, 5143. 43I-5W4 COLdR19" PORTABLE 1140 Cash. 2345 N.

Macarthur. Pt7 house owner will earrv ton. WW or 485-1053. olna delicatessen hull. In as town, our OCK.

High vol. me, low rsnt. Excellent loca-on, books open to quallllrd uvers ONUY. Private owner, 'rife Oi AI37 Oktahoman and Why Shop Around? We pay mere, I pc. er heyielul.

Also dlsheiJIncns. elc. 233-7W3 NEED FURN BAD 535-8547 ANYTIME MACS AUCTION We buy Furn. 4, Misc. or will sell cn consignment lor vau GREAT STUFF OARAGE SALE School desks, sliver, sewing macfi.i nr.

free pup 8. kittens. Ftl. 8. Sal.

2Mt HoSowar, Bctfianv (51 4 ReuotioTslered Hldestxds, love 8 lo 5, many Items We, MV-FM stereo radii 9 track tape player. 5250. 787-3)13 RADIO SALE Lamest selection ol top named brands In OK City, ask our cus- Harrisville Flea MM Wed. Throimh Sun. 3101 SE 15 RANGES-SAVE 1 to 1-3.

Guar, reeond. Alw washers, dryers, refrlgs, Ireears. CLOSE Cameras Photoqraphj 81 A Estate Auction Salo Furniture, electronic organ, ptrsonal effects I rn'sc. Nov. 10 a.m, 62M Tut- OR SALE: Put your menev la ork.

private club, estab. busies loealed In the SW torn" cf KLA. 4 ml. trom the Te3s n. Interested 1 1 call f05) 488-3401, elk for Mrs.

Oar. The Orange Crate Anllaue Mall Unusual turniiure crimllives QUICK CASH FOR YOUR REFRIO.fcRAHGU Cash ln 30 MinutoJ I pc. or house lul Veilern tli.i aooltances. 215 SWA 575-4' Mamlva RBax (new) Topeon DM w-50 11.4 ft mtr. 5519 EPPERSON PHOTO 3418 N.

Penn 531.9714 Caslle Antiques, Jenne's b.icK- a.m.-; p.m. 3045 WW at 7e Open 11 lo 4. MM MVM I FRIDAY jl SATUROA" CALUMET 789-3568 Call Donovan's Oelora You LL. Top 1 priced lor all turn. PUBLIC AUCTIOH SOUHDS OUT WEST Raggedy Annas pudiic Antiques, 311 S.

Klein coen daftv, 2 lloors, 30 MADDEN Portablo 5lecl Wags 4357 Suntana 9 a.m..4 P.m.. Saturday, Nov. 10 i orK.30 washers, IJ dryers, 3 cleaners, presiar, tease er uv. Oxner will (Inane Includes m.Mfjiriure. We nance 85.

Sound movie outtll Kodak Elks Sound camera cs wim 245 sound on sound recording preleetori still In cartons, 1325. 477-5H9 eclor, men's coats (40), homa Slate MtAiesier, Ok. Approx. ISO oil. Palnllisqs done by the Inmates.

Lots lots C03 S. ShlefdS clothe 239-tl tall), mtse. American eabtnet, A7A FM to- '75 Sa 1 8 track, Garrard Turntabla 5115. now dralnooard, 12JC III 2113 s-'rra rtermsn Volntlander. lo ft, curve git I Flash, ISO.

7374S5I: Ltll- Curved Lilly's Wo Need Furniluro 424-5368 AMY AMOUNT ANY TIME Sun. "720 berks oveler's cheek: Air ft Elec, Tools; HyOrtuHc ATTENTION MARY'S OloTimo Swap Moot Carnival Have lun-See acres ol garaqo Crinrocrs, Tune- Reoossesied 33 In, Phllco color I Garage Sale, Quail 18-M 7-43C0 up Eaulp. Tiro Changers. Crease Guns, Chain Hoists, parts ft Service, 235-33U Crk, 30 Wll USED 72e vd. Uo.

CARPET TOWN 1338SW Singer Golden Touch Sow ilnSlV.Wlh buttonholes 4 fancy da slqns without attachments Ml casti er terms. Take trede. 3124 May, Ooen Eve; SAVE CASH Divans 115. chairs, 55, tables S3, reffins. i.

ranges 520. 115. chests 4 dressers SIS. t0.OS0 sq. It, ol new A used turn.

t. GRANTS Furn. 410 Reno Omegi D1V, enlarger, lens, col- 427-1668 427-0442 DON'T WASTE TIME CALLING THEM ALL. Don flvs more tor fuffemr.M!&yeCACre YOU LIVE NORTH, SOUTH, EAST or WEST. COLOR 55" CASH 595 TV 1333 SW 11 fJiitsXA-'l? For SaleMiscellaneous 82" AUCTION fiov.

10 a.m., 2tM S. Nob Anlloueshoo seillna Kit wall-to-wall. Thousands of Ite-ns. Primitives, Oak fine lots of siass-carmval-oe-presstan-rubv. old levieiry, wick- pen every Sal.

i. Sun. all day Vtclccine to move tn Prl5a 7f00 33 OKC Wary Sliemore rendition. 5135. 1334 SW 27.

RESTAURANT Completely eaulpoed. College ts'in S. iTMitr h-y. Mioim I large mcleii. Will finance.

685-6613 '72 CE Color Console TV, plus Tractors. H.W. DX. 30 ft GOING OUT OF BUSINESS PUBLIC AUCTION 25" Color $179.95 up 71" 40 lale colon to choose 'rem Rclrig 575, Ireeier, 4 ft. chain link fence-, 133 roil.

Cjarj(ej M7C4 SLATE POOL TABLES CHRISTMAS PRESENTS Usod nln-fralli, 470-1474 In good cond. 525-K5S THE STATE OF OKLA. Recreation Confer ecreatlon room, pool tables, Kcer, oln ball games of all nds. Several gaod locations Swap Meet Stores lor rent. 130 Mo.

hills paid. 1527 Lx- Bcv Amuscmenl 532 N5V 3, OKC 234-5431 All New Furniture EVERYTHING GOES tftest. children's clolhet, Wrtti 1 5. men v.omen'4 elotlte: hko new. Cotnolele living root suite, 6 ply truck tires, pa; PfVe-ac-oo otips.

S3S, mere. KSV NiV 59111. Church Garage Sale. gnalilcmers wotklng or canalilcmers WANTEO- Teey Mini, hut (, China Figurines. 947-U52 Buy air nof.

232-94il. 3544311. ck Iicerglass. 154 so. COLOR 25" 7.ENITH DELUXE SPANISH CONSOLE loLD NEW 557 BAL, H63 HEAR Now Warranty RE-BUILT TV Ok's Only 1233 SW 27 (I stare) rite U-Select Dlst.

Inc. 4537 i bencho 329-4480, VICTORIAN NEEDLEPOINT CHAIR 12W, I43.27J1 H. Stiles, 431 NE a 37, 2611-3615 ,11, Lin .15, l75. Sale will notly at 10:00 A.M. ier irceters, some nsre S.

WnlrlBecl y.ajff" rs, work cr nof, 4ii-1541. UK 'S? 1 er" i ma In vour choice ol fabric Frigldalro Excellent APPLIANCE SPECIALS All newv floor models. GE Electric Stove 5135 GE 3 temperature Dryer i it pc, Houseful usa I sot (V Owe 3 Tables (all wood) S52 Carport ft Pallo Posts ft Covers New ft Used Window Guards, l' sa lublng ft 3" so tubing. Usi Angle 432-7t9i.

2123 SW 19 McWIrcVone. brietcase, style, for 't or trade. Ocntoltls, 273-1074 tx 373273 nlahis Shawnee. CHAIN SAW SPECIAL McCulloch Mint-Mac 33 Chain saw with entra chain. I144.ti Dick Dcloh International 820O NE 31 C.ARACE SALE: 5AT.

ONLY. OP EM 10 AM. 232) NW It. ESTATE "SALE-2 Bedroom home, all furnishings. 1 1.

Household Goods for Sale 78 CASH BARGAINS Tire Balance Problems. HIBDONflE 5 PC Dinette 4 Pc Pine Bedroom 517f MUCH MUCH MORE Furn. Dealers Outlet mi S. Walker VATtRESSES-Box Sorlnoi 2 for the orice ct 1. Olv Mallrej Co.

inft Rd. (1 elk VI. ct Arthur en NW 23ril St.) iarcage Disposal ua Re-BUILT TV 1231 SW Color picture tubes iniislleo riniv Vent Hoods S19.9S Wood lcet, la, sued USED Wurlitier Oraan ij75 Hammond Pioer Organ Poley Rllv. Huco, Ok. 336-457! Lloyds Stereo i'125.

WE CARRY NOTE NEW APPLIANCES GE Heavy Duty Washer sttj GE Black White TV 575 Sioht Sound 2410 II. Meridian -2415 SW Estate 4 Garage Furn! Spinel Plano leM Good Used Store Futures. 1502 Exchange Olson Displays, 034.4444. Open ftSI Ij Wanted" dead or olive color TV' i Ualurntlwet8W531; Supor Surplus Solo Just arrived Tmckload of 10 ft. selnp machines.

JUST GIVI Vanred. Older outos ft CARPET not. 239-4873 Running Yukon 354 10. ox II! call i. misc.

7407 Costs. ralnbooll, Ben Pearson Warehouse clearance ult.JOl, A more oil on all carpels, 20. oil on all oad-eiperf Installation, aenkemericjrd MaiterCvargr. COBWEB SHOPPE 205 N. Weslern S24-771 Annual Salo ENTIRE STOCK PrJcluDED Dally 10 to 5 Closed Sun.

Men. -i Cl -i Rent HSsf beds 523 Crcsilands 7)4 SEJ2J 31 S. Terrace. Gibson Electric, Oullar, Standard, red ivifh hard Shjra looking. 5250.

472-Q583; Gleson A40 mandolin, 5275, TV Bargains-Color, I Pedestal oval glass leg, dining room table J. 4 swivel base 4 weeks fid. Call 722-1744 slics. Combat boots, lunal Finanrlno available. Required ir exoamton of portable build-a manufacturer.

Dirtiness ft tiddio t-enoer MW Nice rebuilt Zenith. 2 ipeakir CARPET Builders price to the public 40foJW.OFF DEANS CARPET hoots, Insula ted coveralls. Roundhouse BellDottems, Chest waders, Aarsy other 4125 NW 19 4954)551 Too sell, sand, ft gravel. Pick- 535. I REPOSSESSED SPANISH HOUSEFUL MY WIFE'S STORE iVeaW'v.

ilO). 2O0 assorted TV 45, books, clothing BARGA 11151 IJO mere. SatlS-5). mount antenna, 1 mo. old Phone 52I-W1 CARRYING CHARGESI MA- eralor 125.

oic IS ea.aWisa. pitcher-bcwt I v.v A West-1 OcoiS r. HawkesClannet. Site SHAG CARPET 2.W 3 matthlnB oak commode tables and 1 Oecwater Umot. Dining Chain link fence, irutalleeJ .4 per It ccrnerj 8.

jales. Slcekede Installed, 53-70 per 4- oale, stocked" material RAILROAD TIES tson, Ol-iW for appointment. H. Robertson ft Son sy Harvey, Okie. dry.

Scrv ib Oklahoma Over 5S Years. no Grove Llouor store, P.P. yx 1474, Oklahoma. Ml 455.0H.M1S or 313-9178. New Brass Beits Trundles richey'S 4340 nyitfjjihwx room has oval tacie vvitn 4 i sett oeon chairs.

Bedroom CLLLO. Relh, HOOYER WASHERS 128 TVs $39.95 UP 52 late model color TVs-Repes OPEN 7 WEEKDAYS 33 Channel nwblle e. anter.ns JI12. I vr a-ranty. S13S eludes large Oasselt Close cur.

Save 550 Old Grandpa's cock, runs pc Itctlr. lS? RosevtUe1 Dish 515. USED Ottlce btca. I'aneieo. in-sulated.

Heal ft AjrjiaCc. BUNK BEDS $93 qinrdftjlk, 33(5 It. 304 Vr. PninttV H-mted last yr. mallress J.

Rcllawav txdi, old ler i Antioue told down Brltlnn ft N. Balance i 10. 18, 12 24 oorP S25C0 ft will i Payments SM 4J SHARP NICHOLS 5 MV 5 79 tlW 50 7lM57i EW THOMAS ORGM-Full "SHARP t'ICHOL5 MhVsO 9470170 Open 9-7 MATHIS EROS. FUftN. cr bet 331 Western tl i Child's INVESTOR NEEDED 1th for expansion Ctuin ot Automotive mo.

A substantial eouitv with llallorat torett. NO wall mirrors. 525, malifew box sorlno sets, regular J2CO, oftly "oVrS'fRESs co. ajj-ftl 14, 2570 SW 2 nic sale. J.

Meridian, nr.rj rrl. IV "cm Park Wanor Trenton Rd-j 2 Family Garaae Sale. Cratts. KIRBY SALE Rebuilt Demoastralor (81-5257 kirBf Co. 1521 SW 51 Ullti return, Call Prill Rob- NEED NEW AIR COMPRESSORS Ham Radlo-NCX3 80 thru 29 i-3er supply.

ICOM 20, 2 tn ters AC POer supply. A eic. best otter. 495-2797 wj-uas lor ai Robertson ft FLEA MARKET Giant 3 Dayi. Ir.sldo available.

Jackson County Fair GcoundOlcvemberlft Cenlact Cnembeoljmmerc LOWEST PRICES FR7815 5lrl Radla's, White-walls. 4 tor 5110 FET Wbdontire NEW USED APPLIANCES 1U.5 CARPET i Oklahoma Over 54 Years. piano maoniticenr. sojv. 52JM3 "OPEH EVES QYAPPT BALDWIN PIANOS, ORGANS LARGE STOCK GOOD USI-D nLACK WHITE I.

COLOR IP list XX Used Wa; llsl 419,95 now 344.00 arlno lxjlne In Northwest 577.95 Customen tell us we have one cl ALSO STEREOS. BARGAIN HP gal 42). XX Used Elec Dryer 577.95 aSON'S 533 NW 4 American Industrtal Supply only, could usa slip cavers, 3 toot Enterprise. Bar 17 iiUni 1 4 Color Portables Thai Carpel Place 5334 S. Pern Garage Sale 1-77)2 XX Used washer mm XX Usee Gas Range XX Used Gas Range 55 XX used IV NO Frost Retr; BEST PIANO PRICci All up 1 THSOUGH 14 HP Garage Sale-Used caret; Unit Motet lor sals, by refir-o owner, 2 Bedroom heme for anaoer.

Located In SW Okla. j. seat. 20 roln. drive from ale resort, will finance wlih Tc GILLIAM MUSIC XX Used Relria PLUMBING 'a lire cf plbo.

sueclln iilhi tixtures, 510 6 SJOl But C.B. AMERICA 7572 tl Take overpymts. XX Black S. White TV New 3 Room Group 2-oiece Llvlngrcom suite, ,2 em table), coffee table, dinette maltrcst serines. L.tyojl ft installation "NICHOLS HILLS yds.

1)10. M077 f. n. wes. if rent- oats AjsetMtr orijoo.

jjm or a credit application retetled price. Core In cr c. LAaVcr) MUSIC CO toncf. Lovely 2 bedroom. TATES HARDWARE APPLIANCES sulfe.

S4)J. Easy aluroay only, Hov. ties' 117 fixture. S10, 943-51 BO. individual; i Consumer Appliances Ldfoe ilje dresses, rint uniterms A b'ouitt.

JJC3 "i.r"!- "3'i" 2804 SW 87 alert Please. Swolsftj wt f. cr. DemtXri A nt" Formica dinette, 4 cttairs, jw. Box springs 4, maltreis sso.

liter. Very stable commercial id recreation business. Will larm or city property In ace. Waller L. Coen.

P.O. Box 8. Waynaka. Okla. 73340.

couches, Hbles ft clher Bargains, (qumtpy Plbo stoke "ii-. r.8M3 HALL'S Homo Furnishinos 632-I0OI, 1028 SW 29 CARPET Wm SPECIAL! NEW Am COMPRESSORS. Cleaners. Gasoline Pumps TriJt-: P'imw. A so Pc POSE EQUIP'--CUT CCW.I Singor Touch Sow Cabinet model, bobbin winds in machine, buttonholes, sews on I bultcns J.

fancy designs. No atchmts needed. 558. Cash or Rob. Sew-Vac 831-1133 1 Relrift.

4 Gas Stovo 575. cc'i 1125 S.W. 29 434.6913 In Idaho, Coirs 1,000 yearly. 5245,000, tr.f- v. -a.

I 5198 50 cr Lets ol Plants, aidcrson's 3324 D. Choir barbershop, 794-1551, 3 FREE PADDING C.B. RADIOS REDUCED PRICES. Larors "tHESOUND WAVES 315 Stove.

535 25 YDS fREE V.ITH ORDER SAVINGS Otl Bar 5tool3, 1175. Cast Iron qlass collee table 4 niatcfing mirror. 5250. Hanging Plant, IIS. 75.

nmv. is An "V-! Meaty. t50J154.4ttrJ3 "Ui'ilont oiana. i0 2535 S.V 74. Hammond Organ Studios 2417 Classen 51S-4S55 Compare price ft cl our new t.

used Plants ft Best value anylime. Eve by "SAVE MONEY HERT sWrSS 945-3473 'COPPOCK'S 942-9703 DAIRY QUEEN i for sale, college enrollment over iox.01. 9 Box 571, Oklahoman ft CARPET MARBLE Ol: "SPECIAL PURCHASE POLYESTER WHITE VrtLL, aooHances. in SW 43, 30 so. yds.

gold khao i caraet 5150 751-1215 1 lale mcdel white, 5300 lor set. I CrojstoP no frost. 5125, 721-2)35 CLEANUP SALE 3 demonstratornus, 3 repossessed 5250. China closet VSLLPAPCf? VANITIES DRAPERIES C6RA.MIC TILE VIIJVLTILE FREE DOOR, VAT 1 families lub tor lease. Jim And I.

42C8 lew Castle Rd. 470-1474. (urnllurit. ttnibeg. anWjet.

etc Sat. ft Sun. 74CO NW JXr. 5 pc. todroom suiia 5230.

3009 483-U32 alter 8 pm HOME CREATIONS ar Lot. Nov operating. Wills er ilhout Coed MWC loca- 27M Midwest, Blv dishes, Irave 9)04 WALKER 431-8413 G7MS Vnilo Garaas sue: misc. Items, xmas nllts. 101O2 Belvlew Or.

MWC. Garage Sale, Fri-Sat. Nov. 7-8. Early American Chair divan, ail, i icr 5)3.

Dra ces, bedding, misc. inset Club For Sale, Includes L73-IS vni Hospital Bed steet rain. 517). 8-323t Hew guar, rebuilt washers, dryers, treaiera, ranges. The Appliance Center, Wedding ocrwi, train ft veil.

14. FermaU, tike r.cvr. Tako Ovor Payments 74 Slereo cemponent, 450 Walt Ounn. am-F7 Stereo. 7ACCullouiti-Pioneer-Poutlin Nice ivasher Sner, 5150, will sell separate, 57S 787-7285.

or 944-4174. CHEST FRE-EZER. ru. ft. 4 mos.

old. Creek. 3020 Wlllowbrookj S20, recllner 513, 6TSTOVES Elec. ft oas ranges, r.ew, but damaged, som.o sllgty. BLOO.

FULL OF MISC. HEMS Oaraoa Sate: Frl. 4. WV. professional changer built-in Garage Sale.

China, cloihes, etc. 74 NE 3rd Place. complete bed SI9, 523-400) SINCfcS DIAL-A-ST TCH Pay reoair bill ot 514.83 i SW 17tts 43Mt44 CO, Open Evenings Sunday Illness Forces Salo I well established Women Soe-atly Dress shoo to satisfy editors. Good location In, new looping center, new fall, fash, ns In slock, ready to pol Call ir. Houston 235-1341 for full ColdSPOt.

5270. 4854813 Gold Anllaue Velvet Sols, exi lent cond 1 1 1 S150. 475-3) misc. Friday Saturday ft mcd'rnris 'ft Service iVii; VENDING MACHINES LOVE5T PRICES to cool tables AAA Vending L'd. 4507 HWIB 43)-C317.

Grace Methodist Church, NV i'roT Elc. Used 'Van Eos Grctsch, Gibson SG, Lei Paul, I. CS 1)5, render tape deck ft, is Jensen air suspension sneakers, 350 free tapes. Ho credit asallcotlon elected. Consumer Appliance 837 SW J9 411-44S9 qoen IIcjwpsJSur.a,iy WE CARRY NOTE NEW TV'S STEREOS Beautiful GOlrl ft Brown 10x12 iircn run, good liO.

Butter 4 Fleer Scrubber, laroa 13 3 wainers, 2 dryers, air. Airlin used, io soeed bicycle, thing you need. All G.iraao Sa'e, 31C8 Del Rancho Bj ciiy. Frl, ft Sat. frafde, cof-lee.

UU NW 27. Frl. I. Set. vent for lease or sell.

Nov. 15. 635-7144, 432-1882 crutbSIOGoW, Yard Sale, lots ol lun board. 5200) Irlalo absul 10-X12-. S'O.

Brass head- Frl Sat. Furn, dishes, an-iloue. 5.: any nice Items, relnaerator, WiecJcl3Wokol9j5 3 Family GTrage Sale, jilllc Sgmfe. Reno. ANTIQUE SHOP FOR SALE call 234-0312 or lovrer Shoo, Southwest.

Beaull jl shoo Includes fixtures, Inven GIVE VS A CALL 15'5 Gibson ES 335 Bt, DRAPERY OUTLET arssser. S7S; bachelor's hulch. SloOj nlghstand. SI5i (unusual) dltitna fable. M75i ladder back DELTA SALE 677-4453" Jl JV irv Van.

Priced for aulck 91 E. Feroii- S1759. Small used grands 575 ft 844 S. Miller, 33 Hetulll Consola Color TV's with swarar.tfci. 133 up.

liove others. waiters electric exercising Gas kitchen stove 1534 SW Early American, Panasonic recorder S75, lie irold camera 540, Blncculat ilno Imaglnahlel Woodmaiwe 335-B35i Spinet Wurlllrer for sale. eve. cnndVcall 9444311 niter SjP fj. "will Couch 510.

old TV combination 515, 9 plants, 5.50-57.00 477-4443, Od 3t0, 8,16 bldgs, icm Lors seoarate tteer NEW ft GOOD USED 3 ROOM jyrjiu 315 SE l6FrL ft Sat. Clolhlng ft Miscellaneous, TOOO ITEMS 1501 18-Frl ft Sat. BIG GARAGE SALE: Ctlll blavhause. 4705 S. Broekllne.

Garage Sale Frl-Sat. 4845 Del Alra Orlva. Del Cll lit bought a truck load ol as Is, uncratcd, refrigerators, washers, dryer), ranges, all colors. All with new warranty. Cox AppII- Early.

American cn Radlo-t-Antenna, Realistic Yl ooniia 5ale YWCA Dally TRC 74C, 5140. 737-0303 ance. 431,1547 2 complete sets twin beds, sso. each set, red velvet sola a. Chairs 5175, 4954)724 Llvinu CeWif.

1301 SW 22, Ttiur. ft FrL RENT COLOR TV Color portable 54 uo Black ft White port, S3 wX uo EtsrKS with 6 track, si v.r. up 2913 N. Harvard (Wlndior Hills) both iook ot 525-3249 CLOSE OUT PRICES Oil HEATING STOVES OF ALL KINDS, BUY.ft SAVEII 77-SON'S. 533 NW 4.

ClolritJ, Hoyictutl Ol Professional siio, studio Baldwin product, 95. Winter Solnet P' can finish, 5450. 94.4-9043, speaker. great for a ch.SpWWoLSusc3i 415 MW 5 235-5531 MATTRESSES 250 gallon propone tank 5150, Garago Sale: 913 Glenmanor Dr, 1 Day, Sat. November 8th.

CAR TELEPHONE UNIT Ec. make offer, 22U343; CARPET YOUR RENT HpUSB CHEAP. Haiev's 4228 HV7 37 WANT Dt ARTIST AIR, BP.U5H, 477-5870 Complete miiklno machine wilt 3 buckets, 1B5 oalton tr.llk cooler lank, 2 bakery sho cases, 4 ft. ions v.fth sso) s'J SSO S. I3lh, Cllnlon, 323-1413, or oflsr 4 0 323-4273.

mm r.evf tviln Innersgrlra matlress, Deposit 3 p. Clothes hangers. Tens Of Gocd used wire hangers doit sprinoi c. in box sprln, REPOSSESSED HOUSEFUL GROUP clothing, Matlress 549.95. Tr 2W0 SW JJ 84" 4 cushion I I red Wlng-back Couch.

SIJO. 5rnall Need a TV or Stereo minimum Jansen French Pravlnclal Spinel nds of nangera Llvlngroom has Velvet Sofa 1 Matching loveseal wim 3 Match- nfi.tred chair, sju, w-J. Naugahyda reclining cMlra, 3013 SV 5lh Place. 3400 Garago Sale, Frl.Sel. lie Plana Brambarn ma-, baby grand, 5300, call Lamas, Dinlngroom has Ta.slo 427-2775 lunday November 9, 1 p.m.

1W32 NE i3rd, OKC, nlleslabloj. Glass, Antique leces, Hulch lype china cabl-at, TV's, Radios, Irons, Toast's, Toaster, Ovens, Bedroom jrnlture, Hying room furniture, KKers. olcrures, lamps, books, oils, tables, direito suites, tew-ig (tiacWnesi mirror, clocks, Holldav, DC. 4:30 PM with Formica Top 4 chai Too 4 cha! clothing more. 477-9221, IM5 Bedroom haa large Dressei can jenn ajuw sale.

574.3931. 47c. 525-3040 Ca. FU i ft RtiPO STEP.CO 513. IIP ft.

Deluo console. AM-F7A 8 Viwo steel desks, chairs. Sand" 1 CB RADIOS IfnJf "iil' Cobras 1571 ft 1939. ether fir sa'e. 33J4 'HW 37 Sale I Fantaslte, Sav Headboard comp ete Garage Salo 8 ft 9, 7724 NW 21, Xlcojtssnrnjsc Antloucs ft Collectable Frl.

t. Sat. 9-5aro 3304 Idylwlld, ''stov'S's'E'leAp4: Insulated. Chest 510. 2 dr vlin hardware $10.

Largo Air rend. 135. 485-4354 Bargain 8, 5 Piece letting Alvln "wanted dead OR ALIVE ODDS ENDS Various Sires ft P.randf. l's, J't r. 3's cf a kind.

Limited qusntl- 515 EACH HIBDON TIRE (1 Flo: Our wim fAaitress ooj wiim, criolnaily eto for S14s8, balance due 5443 cr take uo oayirenis. JUDE JODY FURN. 509 SW J9 43I-I5C1 Garage sole 3010 Hun ngion. f. NW a Huntington.

Vhcoi-A-Rama, 4415 Ctirrv enalri csnsela. 751.2130 Sterling. 530 selling. dinette set, 543, antlgue Garage Sst', ricthlr.7. Cecil Abernalhy 1 Co, Auctioneers.

31-o593 Cf" fay Ave. off Kent Dr.) tisw Leaving; slate 1 vr, old GE 15.4 ca. Fresf Free rclrlo, kdmaker fas. 5175. Heavy duly 2 soeed wasTier 5150.

a I 1 elec. Box Sprlnss JJ? STILL IN WARRANTY Ktnmor? Washer. 51S0- Mnn elec. awer, S125, Harr 434-4114 AUCTION rldav nlte 7:33, 1741 ml lith. urnilure ol all types, all kinds jewelry, cristas! oil palntlngi.

tin ess machines, color t. Vi7-I7'' DEMO'S We have sevarul Cub Cfldets and Whrttkcrie GadenTracj evccllcpt long" term financing. Save ut to "j0jCw drver Sim. mo sulto with Slerns SatTs-S. clothes, calculi-lor orrri-r, rtre.

term, car re' J' -J-l 1 "GARAOE SALE: SAT. ft SUN. Foster etlrn springs long wwiiTsfes.ywi KIRBY VACUUM I'm In a contest Jea me today save. New or used. J42lswig CORtlER UNITS 514? Ireeier, S70.

799-4514. f.i 1111 5E.1 Want to buy Grant) piano, prefer FENDER FRETLESS New 5350. oax rjooiscase ana complete mattress springs 545. Chest dresser 345. Odd ches 535.

Hcrculon couch ,,545. Swivel rocker 535 t35. Home en-lerlalnmmenf cenler SSJ. UmM 510 up. Rpunddinetle 545.

sewing machine S25. 2124 SW 35, 54i. 435-70M. NE 23rd flsTs-i. Friday ft Satur- rlaln? 1 1 0 427-5433.

COLOR" TV 597, Also black ft While 525. 1435 SV 29, H4-WIQ Hugs Carago Sale. 9-4, 3321 Pleasanl Drive, MWC. Club Sole. Furniture, Rare Books, everything else you expect, HOV.

7-9. 5933 H'H 7lsl. St, Okla. Slats. Penitentiary.

Icinter Old glissware, 101s Ccuntrv Club Mustang, OHM, Some with VHP For sale: 37Vi yds. sculptured nylon loop carpet, brown tona like new. 943-1301 Klnssiio txd (. jtjmo. 5175.

Good cond. Phono 843-3472 pslnlfnss. Casti eniv. torn, iiyvo.jj nduclcil by Talurr, Auc- GARAOE SALE, 1 1 bovr ft caso, hairs, Early 10. 789-7440.

tennna lead Service, Muskogee, RU77AAGE SALE "PEOPLE TO PEOPLE" GUSSIHED ADS S2 mm BUY 4 LAWH MOWER BUT IT CAM SELL ONE! anllaue bullet. Sat- H4i7-4I0 Ilea 25" Color TV pffiertS'g. sola, 545. uroay Sur-asv. 3SI2 Tot lece anllaue bedroom sulto mantsJ14.JMi-3137.

Sears Chord organ. Good eepd. Nice rjlrl'a Ociv (35, Stereo $250, 943-5848 or m-Vfll tram y-a Okla. School ol Auctlft Cecil Abernalhy. Oil Super Che I.

HO waif, Iwtn pro amp. Flnl come. 5450. 411-7073. 5175, poster bed com. apartment, turniiure. small appliances, new. craft Items. I0I1 ol mite. Ho checks.

olate tu. oak hall tree Porlablo Kenmort dishwasher, avocado green, 5 wash cycles, 1 Encyclopedia, Cloth books, ft misc. Frl. ft Sat. 8 to 4, 3)W S.

Brookllno. I tlx West c) iMv. 5 00 lor both, Llaupr har, Padded, mirror "eakera. now 550 or bej oiler. 121-A CB with i 57.50, 572-1241 Premier, Drums, hard cases, T.

1 1 I a cvmbatj, e. cond. Also ATldC electronic crossover. 127.1344 or 341-4573. air trunks.

AUTO AUCTION natera public buy, tell, trade Each Wednesday 7t30 P.M. Used commercial lor sale, no dealeta. from anvoocty SntllTou' clclc our orlces. Alio parts repairs for ail makes, Frank's vacuum 4404 SE 15, 477-4332. 100 5 Llko now 5 slrlno BTU 20 331-3841 call I gull, plusomell Virginia, Frl, ft Maolo bedroom sullo, bed (.

frmer, SI3A MM iaw ttjMeliltw Sat, Jewelry, clothes, intlQuo Auction. Oct. 25, WS, 1 Ok, See ad In 15" Color consola ywks 3Cr'ea 1133- 414-5891 23 CH. CB'S $99.95 Laraeit Display In Tovn 35 WorTlng Models On Diiolay 15 cu. II.

Wards 3 door frost free while, yr, old. H5. Foes nail table, cxc. 5185. Couch 4 chair.

Good cond, S7i Garage Solo 5012 SE 47 Alter 10 A.M., 847-5740 Sola 575, barbeque grill 515, 3301 4vs Dsluo Trailer Bunk beds MS, 3 bikes and gas sucilon 55 vesrs eioerlarict? Helrloeralor, Freeief, J1J5, Sensational values. All new, Plana, maple solnet, Cable Net-son, goad condition 57CO. 789-1 274 Gibson SO Guitar, early 5150. Standcl Studio Amp, 2-1- RMS, 5300. Radios.

TY, Hia Slereo 81 IslcFfouTi 3rodit Guar TV sets, wo cjrry notes Consumer Appliances Chest Frooior cu, II. compact rej. 19? SAVE 530, OnW 5267.95 vatlable Tn vm aald avo-ado LEE'S TV 434-8337 (e handle anv typo Auction! slates, Bankrupt, Machinery. Kb liquidations or deefance U'Kukl, Place. 5159.

Wisher, top Cf relrlg. Garago Salo Edmond ltt ml. West on Edmond Rd. UVi VII 37- Frl. 3 end tables tv 1 colic, aMo, etc.

cond. 550. 749.4983. 533. 432471, IMPORT RADIALS sat.

1, lun. 1 es, slu. lamps. 52S i Lonan lathe, I00U, woorl Nocchi Ziq-Zag-Matic Nice '75 Reoo In cabinet 54.50 t. pool labio, fable tennis, slercoo, Dining room sulte-iawe dent cW.

.535, Color TV (Emcrion) 73 in. Ccn. sole, wert'ln-i ck, well phone. tape Players, SW 77 1 pfeco dlnlr.groom sultt elec, iupolles. bnclh misc.

roitaurant sup- ino, dishes, yrr. accumulate sncllans. Sofa, red odd. Red Cabinet Doer Moldlno Plant lulttlng Business selling out AUCTION lalurday, Hovember 8, 10 am IJJ.DJ Easl Broadway Tandcm Oarage Salo Frl. ft Sal.

,1521 5W clothes WIS ''133 175-1 2 LIHES 3 DAYS $2 3 Lines -3 Days -W 4 lines 3 Days AfWilional Lines St Each How To Qualify fat Ihl "Pir Sfi4l RlHrUA 1. fcWdaniiii la Sa rftvf 2. fo rxrtmeitiil Cr1iiinj 3. ittm rust tt tiai in tin 3.rd To Pisco Your Ad "DIAL DIRECT" cusmto tommiM irallcr, 2 self Bar 4 Swivel Chairs, Formica Formic a-- ntlaucs Irunkt, I Turntable. Cassello A.h.eci Alctorold Po-.

aueii. 5855, alter 4. 49 ta as Sunday nnra fnmnlcfa llsl 1034 S. Locust Or. Frl.

Sot. ft 10 key caiculalor 550. 787-9340. Lain model Whirlpool washer, harvest gold, m. eleclrte dryer us.

nuar. 495-1141. Co. 5 Rooms Furniluro. Divan JSOi 3 Rocllners 5(0 eni occas fowl Chairs 120 at Droo Leo Dlnlna Table 4 Chairs 5125; Ktnmoro Drver 5751 Wards SIm, Machine S50i Sweeper 535) Bedroom Sultat 5258, 5125) Dlnelle Set 5331 It' 5 32, 9 lo 5 Frl.

8. Sat. 944.8147.. 33.5 cu. It, Gioson uPrlotit (reez- er.

Brand new. 5450. 842-8)45, FURNITURE SALEII, Like New. Great Prices, CotrW Hldo-A-Bed, green floral Damask, nueen site, llko new, 5175. 2 French Chairs, 520 each.

RCA Cglor Console. Ec ror" Sale-Awdi Player, II ft MW. Owner Analyst, TRC .11 Co CO radio. 1 i 153-13 Fr.r 155-12 4 For 5100 HIBDON TIRE 523 SE 57 3M57J CHAIN SAWS We sell Mcculloch, ilcmellle And SUM. We service irfmsKs.

DICK DOLPH INTERtlATION. 6200 NE 21rd 427-5133 Yard Sale, Saturday and Sunday, olrls 24 nch blfo, BylO bulldlni, electric motors, fan. clot ti I no, hooks, misc. 5107 FRI. ft SAT.

8AM-4PM hernials RCA oscHloseeos, lo 30 HHZ linear omollfler. 1C0 cr 2C0 oultlul, 731.754). deck Bras. Hardreck manle dlr Ing room suite, very nice, 514! 1282-3349 CHADDUCK'S ANTIQUES, In Guthrie, (urnilure. primitives, glass.

118 West Harrison, lil-lct police scanner, 'c lake 5150. Ilih 521 SE 70. CergeU fAatltois, Jevelry, Rabblls, Mlic. Sal. ft Wauled anllaue clocks Color 75" Console perfect Condition 5110.

Washer t. drver, also upright Ireoior, all like nevr. 787.9319 welcome. 270O SW 82 Carrlaoe clock, 843-I487 Whirlpool llko new, RCA color console. Into model, THE OXUHHUX AMD TIMES 14K.

Gold mulll colored pocket Love ftat 5150, ChaJr 545. 2 Plunder AM-FM Track, 5125. Maqnavon Castelte, SIS. OSR Changer, 125, 943-4104 Frigldalro Refrigerator 4, Freez- KMAl. Tone arm, model M5BA MKIII.S95.

l-i'477-0374, Alius. snd tablet 545 oa, Caller, l. 31W Campboll Or SEATOH'S ANTIQUE1; Frl. ft Sal, Lots of Goodies. I 1.

Ren? 477-3545 Strakn. (at 74 ft S. Weilern).

The Daily Oklahoman from Oklahoma City, Oklahoma (2025)


What is the biggest newspaper in Oklahoma? ›

The Oklahoman is the largest daily newspaper in Oklahoma, United States, and is the only regional daily that covers the Greater Oklahoma City area.

How much is a digital subscription to The Oklahoman? ›

Get unlimited digital access. $9.99 for 1 year.

Where is The Oklahoman newspaper located? ›

The Oklahoman, 100 W Main St, Ste 100, Oklahoma City, OK 73102, US - MapQuest.

Does Oklahoma City have a newspaper? ›

The Oklahoman: Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, News, Politics and Sports. Oklahoma students are missing class and failing in reading. What's happening?

What newspaper has the most readers? ›

The newspaper with the highest print circulation in the United States in the six months running to September 2023 was The Wall Street Journal, with an average weekday print circulation of 555.2 thousand. Ranking second was The New York Times, followed by The New York Post.

What is the most popular news channel in Oklahoma? ›

Top 7 TV Outlets in Oklahoma sorted by total monthly visitors
1KOCO-TV (Oklahoma City, OK)Oklahoma City, OK
2KWTV-TV (Oklahoma City, OK)Oklahoma City, OK
3KFOR-TV (Oklahoma City, OK)Oklahoma City, OK
4KOTV-TV (Tulsa, OK)Tulsa, OK
3 more rows

How do I cancel daily oklahoman? ›

How can I cancel my subscription? You can cancel at any time by calling Customer Service at 1-877-987-2737.

How often is the oklahoman published? ›

The Oklahoman is a daily newspaper published in Oklahoma City, Okla. The paper is owned by The Anschutz Corporation, which publishes The Oklahoman under the umbrella of The Oklahoman Media Company.

Is the Daily Oklahoman a Gannett newspaper? ›

Get in touch with us about stories happening in your community, questions or concerns, and how to purchase our content for personal or professional use. This site is part of the USA TODAY Network and is owned and operated by Gannett Co., Inc.

Who is the editor of The Oklahoman? ›

Ray Rivera is executive editor of The Oklahoman and oversees Gannett's Sunbelt region, which includes Texas, Oklahoma, New Mexico and Colorado.

What was the first newspaper in Oklahoma? ›

William Potter Ross edited Oklahoma's first newspaper, the Cherokee Advocate issued on September 26, 1844, at Tahlequah, Cherokee Nation, Indian Territory (I.T.). The Indian Journal first published at Muskogee, I.T., in May 1876, remains the longest continuously published newspaper in present Oklahoma.

How do I place an ad in Daily Oklahoman? ›

To locate an ad from last Sunday's newspaper: Go to the Sunday classified ads page and follow the navigation. To place an ad: Go to the daily classified ads page and follow the Place an Ad navigation. You can also call (405) 475-3000 or 1 (800) 375-3450 outside the 405 area.

How much is The Oklahoman newspaper? ›

*After 3 months, Sunday-Friday Print Delivery + Digital will be $35/month. The Sunday Only Print Delivery + Digital will be $19/month after 3 months. The Sunday & Wednesday Print Delivery + Digital will be $30/Month after 3 months. Not valid with any other Oklahoman subscription offer.

What is the largest news outlet in Oklahoma? ›

The Oklahoman

It is the state's most trusted news source and is the largest daily newspaper and part of the USA Today Network of news publications.

How many newspapers are in Oklahoma? ›

The OHS collects more than 150 current newspaper titles.

What are Oklahoma's two primary newspapers? ›

The Tulsa World is an American daily newspaper. It serves the city of Tulsa, Oklahoma, and is the primary newspaper for the northeastern and eastern portions of Oklahoma. The printed edition is the second-most circulated newspaper in the state, after The Oklahoman.

What is the largest daily newspaper? ›

The 5 Largest Daily US Newspapers
  • The Wall Street Journal.
  • The New York Times.
  • USA Today.
  • The Washington Post.
  • Los Angeles Times.
Jul 25, 2024

What is the largest printed newspaper? ›

Top newspapers by circulation
1The New York TimesUSA
2The Yomiuri ShimbunJapan
3The Asahi ShimbunJapan
16 more rows

What is the big newspaper called? ›

Most of the broadsheets, so called because of their historically larger size, have changed in recent years to a compact format, the same size as the tabloids. The Independent and The Times were the first to do so.


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Author: Trent Wehner

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Author information

Name: Trent Wehner

Birthday: 1993-03-14

Address: 872 Kevin Squares, New Codyville, AK 01785-0416

Phone: +18698800304764

Job: Senior Farming Developer

Hobby: Paintball, Calligraphy, Hunting, Flying disc, Lapidary, Rafting, Inline skating

Introduction: My name is Trent Wehner, I am a talented, brainy, zealous, light, funny, gleaming, attractive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.