St. Louis Post-Dispatch from St. Louis, Missouri (2024)

wwfuw u. .1.1 ''jaw 'igfiiueiieiwwr'f'e-w -ja 1 "i AUTOMOBILES FOR Stll 178 AUTOMOBIltS OR SAU 178 AUTOMOIIUS FOR $AU 170 AUTOMOIII.K POR SALS 17ft AUTOMOIILFS POI SAU 170 AUTOMOMUt tO SAlg 170 AUTOMOilltS FOR SAH 170 AUTOMOBim FOR AU 170 AUTOMOBIltS fOBSAlt t70 AHO'S Used Car BEAUTIES i SvAre Worth a Second Look! 1 if 'TS HERE'S YOUR BIG OPPORTUNITY J' 'l-'. T0 SELECT THE CAR YOU HAVE BEEN fMlJtiM I LOOKING FOR AT THE PRICE YOU WANT TO PAY Eg COME DEAL IN NOW GET A REAL FROM ZANG AND SAVE ON A GUARANTEED "SAFE BUY USED CAR" '55 Ford Custom 2-dnor Fordo-mitic, heater. 2-tone blua and whit finish. s1595 '55 Merc.

Beautiful Cuitnm 2-door In jet black rinleh, fully equipped. $1695 FULL PRICK Pnwd.r lu. 4-door. If ill XMltr. Fnw.r.

Rf 1 If tf1! 95 Mm9rriii wi-yi- 7 i iucn.ii i it i na i.nnv. v' a v' r- tij 17 I in Vl d' Mill Hi FULL PRIOR '53 Pont. Chieftain da luxe I 4-door; a 1-owner beauty at only $1095 FULL PRICE mm i I I I '53 Merc. Outstanding 2-tona. blue finish, economical overdrive, ra $895 11 dio, neaier.

FULL PRICE 4 rnO'52 Victoria 1 I I I 1 ff 1 111 Irord. tin h.rd nn (o find; Ili a iu. nm ni i. rnii '54 Merc. Monterey 4 door; heater, automatic, walla; a cream puff.

1495 Ft'M, PRICK '52 Mercury Hardtop, fully equipped, It' i gorgeous. Only $895 FULL, PRICB Seventh Ml 1 and ryrTTfp-l Iff If I '52Buic Outstanding 5-ton gri tah, fully powered, for -695 '52 Buick 'gtiaaiaiwigi" a-ar Southtown Motor Sales, Inc. MI aJf BIG DEMONSTRATOR SALE ROCK 'N ROLL AT ROCK BOTTOM PRICES COMMUNITY'S SPRING USED CAR JAMBOREE ir -w -v UP TO DISCOUNT '55 FORD TUDOR- $1495 '54 CHEV. TUDOR $1095 '52 FORD RANCH WGN. $795 '51 CHEVROLET TUDOR $495 '54 FORD TUDOR '54 BUICK HARDTOP $1695 '51 MERCURY FORDOR $495 '52 DODGE FORDOR $595 '53 FORD TUDOR $795 '52 DE SOTO '51 PLYM.


SOLL'S PERSONAL CAR) LIKE NFW-MUST SEE TODAY. ALL POWER FEATURES. tT A-a jjll Moit nn have radloi. haattra; aom liava overdrlv. and aittnmatla drive.

FOR YOUR BEST DEAL SEE "YOUR FRIENDLY FORD DEALER" COMMUNITY 953 CHEVIES 1954 STUDEBAKER 1 Trirea to choosa PRESIDENT CLASSIC (MRS. SOLL'S PERSONAL CAR) tfom; 2 doorf J70r Wagon; overdrive and everything; like new; only and 4-doors fully NORTH ST. LOUIS' LARGEST FORD DEALER a njw-Haymi LOTS NATURAL BRIDGE AT CO 1-9950 2 BIS $10 DOWN 1952 BUICK (SUPER) CONV. Charry red; fully equipped; $QOC a real buy at only OsJ 1953 STUDEBAKER CHAMPION Sport ov.rdriv., radio, heater, whitewells; beauty at only '3 1953 DODGE V8 FELO 1951 NASH STATESMAN 2-door; radio, heater; like A new Onlr Xowii 12 at S3 ft Per Month Includea Insurance and Finance Chargea 1952 NASH RAMBLER Hardtop; ovfrdrlva. radio 1 1 HA and heatar; like lrand-nrw Onlr "flUU Down 21 at 45 Per Month 1953 BUICK (SUPER) Hardlnp; fully equipped; Aa a i nr alio '54 Century- Lowae $lUv Down 24 at $80 Per Month 10 '4 to 'SO Modals to Choorn From $100 end under.

No Money Down. "50 DODGE CLUB COUPE $850 WHAT ARE YOU? Hardfop; yellov and black; fully equipped; at only 1952 FORD bllckL fi 5 wi CHAMPION '1295 $50 Per Month CORNER TILL 10 P.M. EV. 5-7200 MENDENHAl I L-l VI 1 UL Aiwaya have 150 of tha cleanest eara In America, all makea, all body atylei. We trada hlgb and last.

Low bank rates. Open Kve. 'Til 9: Saturday 'Til 2231 WASHINGTON CB 1-8203 Jnat Eaat of Jefferson CHEVROLET, 49; clean saltan, 2-door, radio, heater, plastic covers, white walla, look and drive very nice! Special S95, low as $10 down, $15.50 month (24 montha with qualified credit); alio variety of very clean '4-'50-'51-'52 models to select from. See todav. Open till 10 p.m.

Sea Our Cars Before Tou Buy You'll Be Glad Tou Did! CYRUS SINCE 1920 IMS LINDELL JK 5-2244 i'HKVROLKT. 14." 4 l-iloor lie luxe aedan. Here la good tranaportntlon at low coal. This car la clean, polld, haa good motor, tiree, etc. Only 245.

LINDBURG CADILLAC 3630 S. KINGSHIGH WAY CHEVROLKT. '5S "210" V-8 club aedan; beiutlful light arreen finiah, viry, very, clean inaide and out. Full price of S1475. SOUTH GRAND MOTORS 4664 S.

GRAND i 1 Ml 1 I j' 2 yp V8 Cuttom 2door; fully equipped. $ZQT Alio 2 other! to choose from from 1953 MERCURY MONTEREY 4 Hardtop; fully Also I I "jr 2 others to choos from from' 3 Clean Used Cars SJ HI DSON HORNET $54.1 51 FORD VICTORIA S5 t4t OI DS 245 '49 BUICK 24li 49 OI DR CONVT. 29S 11 HI i-MOUTH DODOK 48 no DOB Club Coupe $1S 47 OI OS Club Coupe 48 HKVROLET l5 49 MfRCURY S'SS '52 FORD V8 9S 24 Montha to Pay SIMMS OLDSMOBILE 5950 DELMAR PA 7-2506 6709 PAGE VP 3-0950 STATION WAGONS We have the larKeat ie lection of atHtlon waitona In town. 17 to rhooee from, 2 and 3 aeatti, Chevrolet. Ford.

Plymouth. Dodicea: we trade hiich; no money down, pay ai you ride. Fully equipped; a nice one -12 at 133.50 COME IN NOW SEE YOUR 3-S DEALER SALES SERVICE SATISFACTION SOLL SCHILLING MAD MAN'S STUDEBAKER, INC. 5800 DELMAR at Goodfellow NEW '56 CHEVROLET Ml 5-5782 I Ml 5-4358 TUDOR 6 PASSENGER SEDAN 93 1 mchvnr. atr niw hd.t- T.n PI BIITTf)N RADIO PARKLINfJ KIN IIHm IN UNION EV 1-6008 SAYS BARGAIN HUNTER? 'S5 Chev 2-door; top condition $12ft5 53 Plym.

2 -floor; ladles car 795 '32 unev. -floor; low milea 1 S95 teal 1 4s I 405 S1 Chev. a steal SI ford 2-door FISHERMAN? 4t Chev. I 325 $445 '51 Htudebaker '4S Buick Convertlhle ONCE IN A LIFETIME! 52 PONTIAC RADIO, HEATER. HYDRA-MATIC: JL'ST OUT Of THE CRADLE: ONLY 1 OWNER 2 Over 100 othera to Chooae From LATE MODEL TRADE-INS BIG SAVINGS TO YOU JOS.

NESSER MOTORS Dealing In Hy-grada Cara alnce 1820 Chlpnewa Fly JI95 FULL-PRICE SALE era do our own financier. JOE SIMPKINS LOT No. 2 5137 FASTON VO '50 DODGE CORONET 4-door; flnlsned fn I lajht fen paint; loons and arives lii new l.w mileage; rafilo ard heter; money down, low monthly pay menia ir vu qusuiv ar CITY Of LIGHTS METRO MTRS. JOJjjV. Krkwood Rfl.

TO 8 Mn V. Klrkwood Rfl. TO TJD0DGE7I595" Roomf 4-door aeian: beautiful ma-rofn finiah; HrM arey top; radio, heatar and teat covera. BURNS BUICK OLiva 2-134 4225 NATURAL BRIDGE IiODgR. '51; beantlfui "low- ace, l-owner.

ail-metl wegnn; radio, heter, whltew aijotlesa all leather Interior, etr h4i hart Ktnjttonnf1v fine tare you may have her inwperted by any new car aervtce department or your own mechanic; also 1 year -25 gLiarantee; $195 down, low Dink rirnncinx Other tautl fWTnrnt.s'y CYRUS 3si i.ivnru. I can (cat tm financed wti-n otnera Tail rail me now. Hardr. deelere repreeentetlve. at PA T-Tft VARIETY OF COLORS wl, (( Tax Serviced end Reany to Roil Irrimadiala Delivery I.argeat mock In Town Avallahle to You "54 Chev.

Sport Coupe; beautiful tutoni with all General Motors' power IHflS 53 Chev. Snort Coups; gorgeous blue and white $1095 51 Chrvdler VS Coupe; exceptional 645 FAMILY MAN? 55 Chev. 4 -door; Immaculate $1495 S3 Ford V- 4-doOr; fully equipped $1095 '52 Chev. tutone de luxe 4 -door ft 5 5t Chrysler V-8 4-dr. '47 Cadillac 4 bonent.

It's new CHRYSLER. '49: clean Wlodaor de luxe aedan; radio, heater, aeat covera, turn aignala. de luxe capa, looka aod drlvee very nice; apeclal, $295. low aa $10 down. $15 50 month 124 monttii with qualified credit).

Alao excellent aelectlon of very clean '49, '50. '5t. '52 modela. See today. Open 10 p.m he Our Cara Before You Buy, You II He Glad Yrnl Old.

CYRUS SINCE 1920 351; JE 5 2244 '53 CHRYSLER $899 vinr1or: beaut Uul drtrk. green, white-wall ti'ea. radio, heater, automatie tranFmiaaion; TUCKER 443RAVOIS VB 1-141 '53 DODGE, $845 Coronet Vd 4-door; Oyromatlc; radio, heater. GREBE-FISCHER 340n 8 KlnitaMthway PLJ-04OC DS SOTO. '50: convertible; motor At; gd top; $325.

'55 "DODGES Ail body ityles; your cKoIca ot Coma in, wa il sell you a new car t'-e way you went it. Hiqh Trades. Bank Rates. With our low overhead wa cen sav you up to $900 SUN MOTOR SALES Autjiorlied Dodge Peeler no op.avois vi. TToTJGE.

'51 panel perfect corirll- tlon: $50 down; we fnanr tha Ktairman, 4301 Waihtngog 8 428 FELD 6951 MANCHESTER 7700 MANCHESTER Hurry the. to 5800 NATURAL BRIDGE '55 CHEVROLET, $1395 nt a Tnrlnr PStHv eautnned. One- owner niw-car trade-in. Like brand new. VINGEL TRADES FROM a' Olilut PONTIAC Deal.r ajt Lou: 21 S.

KinKablehwav fL.J-.Ml OPEN 'TIL 9 SAT. EVE. '53 CHEVROLET, $1095 Bfl Air aport coupe: Ivory and aim cold; hfater; radio; at envtra; Chevrolet's moat popular hardtop; low mlleane; very JAMEb IntVHULtl 8721 8. Grand rn 2-aiiu nnt CHEVROLET BKI. AIR.

"Port coupe; PowerglWe; radio. hater: low mllrijte. S1445. BARFORD CHEVROLET N. Bemlaton.

Chytoru PA 3-3SpO '54 CHEVROLET, $1095 tlO aedan: radio, heater; eharp. 80 More to Chooae From. THOMS 5200 DELMAR FO 1-4808 JTieluxe 210; 2-door; Ivory end light blue; heater; vndlo: euet env-er; Powemllde; new. car trade; 1-owner car. JAMES CHEVROLET R.

Grand- PR S-MIO; "THFVROLET, 710 atatlon aon. A tip car and a nnrgmn. ROBERTS Llurinr "ur Bprinc FELD 77UO Mfjnchetar AT G00DFELL0W OPEN NITES '51 CHEVROLET, $395 te luxe 4-door: heautiful riarb hlii finiah; very clean; rdio and heater. BURNS BUICK OLIve J-1348 4225 NATURAL BRIDGE '50 CHEVROLET, 4 $349 Heater, seat covera; beautiful light rnv finish. TUCKER 2339 8 GRAND PR 6 -S901 CAMEO CARRIER 195.1 Chevrolet; hrard m-w: red, Ivory en tor; factory warraniy; old '55 price less BILGERE CHEVROLET 2Rir NGRAND FR 1-3818 '52 CHEVROLET, $695' Btyllne delude 4-oor; light green; heater; radio; Beat cover; aland-arc! ahlft; a cl'an car.

JAMES CHEVROLET 3721 I. Grand CHKVROLET. '54 2-door; real buy at only $995. ROBERTS CHEVROLETS ST DELMA PA 1 -43O0 NOTHING DOWN" 51 CHEVROLET CI.UB COUPB 'Juat take over peyments) Beautuul 2-tone. radio, heater, aeat cm-era tip.

I new. t'aymenta only S23 month. tane montha. Phone now for qiiirK credit o.k. MILTON '55 CHEVROLET, $1495 Deluxe 210 2-door; Ivory and liKht blue, atandard ahift; heater; radio; neat covera; low mUeaae; l-ownr.

JAMES CHEVROLET PA 6-0777 I PAY NOTHING TILL JUNE 4 f.TTIBT TAKB PAYMKNTfl Kord V8, 2-door; Kordornat ir push-button radio; nylon sst cttvvrm; h-nter; nearly new tlren; orlntnBl 2-tone gren finish. Ten this car! The- automatic trann-mmslon Is snuioth as velvet! a a rent plessure drive this on and It's niiarantee'd to your aM-fertlnn. 10 yeara at thia location and we ejuarantpe our curs unconditionally. Balanre Is $H79, next payment of will be due June 4. '2 months.

J'hone al once MI RICH MOTOR, 2410 WO BKNO '54 FORD 2-DOOR Custom rn-auty Use radut. heaKr, A. yo'jr car as dov. payment. $995 Weber-Deibel t.

Louli' Bualest Ford Dealer 2555 N. Grand JE 1-1322 Ponti "Victoria, (itrfklnR tw tone, equipped with radio, heater, white walls, power steerlnc. twm anota, dual exhaust. A fine cr with ey- appeal and excellent pet formance; $1005. LINDBURG CADILLAC 3630 S.

KINGSHIGHWAY UtIED CARS fLl-420S '53 STA. WAGON V8, $995 c-' ivmniir ranrh WoOn, rull ej-iuippen. "ew-car I EL TP.ADKS FROM St Loula' Oldrat PONTIAC Uear 321 8 KlnaahlKhwaV FL 1-1201 OPEN TIL 9 SAT. EVE. "FOnBar'Bs Ciurtom liTinil a.

doora: edviipped. low mileaee; aea, and drive tnae cere, $1395. GERHART CHEVROLET 5(11 fi Oravoa HILSOS? club coupo; real eharp car; $75 down. Weil finance the OMAr. 4301 Wa-aMnltton NEAL MOTOR 427 NATURAL BRIDGB JOE SIMPKINS, Lot No.

2 Has 46a, 4rs. 48s. 49 Fords, Buicka. FULL-PRICE SALE, $195 5I3IJASTON CHEVROLBt. '52 Custom "JTDbor; has deluxe push-button raiio.

targe heater, i'owerglide tranwmjaalon, wh(te wall tires, seat covers, etc. Finished in 2 tonea of green with nary a scratch or dent; a l-ownr new car trade-In thni haa been exceptionally well cared for. JLota of economical transportation left in this one. Ordv todar. Tor Ifner cars with olwrr Arlin Ol'la In Clayton.

ARLIN OLDS 7700 Carondelet at Hanley. CUyton KXKCUTIV CAK '53 Chevrolet; fully equipped; Al condition, 5930 Ielmar. CHKVROTIiT. '55 210 4-dooFVSr Power Oll'le; fully equipped; per-ffct; S1S7S. HA 7-7419.

flffBVRoLETV '48 Fleetllne; full price $95. KUOMAN 4301 Wertilngton Newport, hardtop'' perfect. O. AU.O, 4447 Weal Florlraant. TTREVRoT.F.T.

-47 courie, TOST $45 down. Joaepn, 447 8. Broad- CHEVROLET. '4 aedan; tiSsT (45 down. Joaeph, 4347 f.

Broadway. doora. one 4-aoor, perieci. ic. at a.

Auto. 4447 Weat Florleaant. OKEVRoXET. '48 black convertT- h'e: Tierfsct. 37S7 Twentieth CHEVRJLET, SI 7212 Eaaton.

CE 1-0333. CHXVROLETV'SnTbale nce3h7. Uike oer Bruce. EV 13100 CrtE'VftbEET, '49; balance Jlfco; take over 13100. CHEVROLET." 1955 BelAir VI 4 door.

1S3S tiA CHFVRoXKf15-1 BeT Air owner muat aell. Maplevood. MI 7-445. CtiiOVrioCET. '40-5-door; V-i'dib; heater: beat offer.

l-92. '5r New Torker aedan: abaolutelv fully equipped. Including air conditioning. Power-fhte traramleelon. radio, heater, whi'e walla, ete.

Save many, many dol-are on thia beautiful, firat ciaaa family car. Top condition throughout. A barrain any way you aee It. GEO. PAPPAS, INC.

Iffsaouri Laraeat Tode-Plymoiith pot nealef Trmr'S r55 club eioan; la IxinoK, '53. 2-tnne; excellent ohomy tor buyer Who will dition; ilOO down. yVe llr.ance tt.e s.biio!cmSVr61,ET. '54 J-door; radio 0rilf JJ9J and Licensa Tians'i P'earanw CHEVROLET Ml 5 4353 A TOCftE, B3 CoroTietrV 3 owner, lriwmileaef clean. JA 1-9343.

52-'53 FORDS rustomilna 4-door aedna; both have ad to, heater, white well tlrts, FnrrlrtniHtio and 2-tune P.unt: ex ceptionally lo mileage cars. Im maculate iff-hJa and out. or larae aelectlon of elean one-owner nw-car trade-Ins see tia today. '5tt Model Demonflratora on RIB 3205 Nat. Brldga JE 1-751 1 FORD VICTORIA 'SI radio, hister, whttewaUs 2-tona pink and white; a low-mile-ace, I owner car 1 1 looka and drives new.

Prked to sell. COTTER "BUICK S2M a Klneehlghwa" VB i-3i Down a II if Inalat on tha moat cat ror xna nvney equii.m...v and a neauvum would PAPPAS, INC. Mlaeourl i LaraeaDodge-Plymoutn fl3T 8 Klnrehlan ev V'S '53 DODGE, $695 Met do-vhroolt. sedan: radio. h' 80 More to Choose From.

HfTHOMS I vnn DELMAR FO 1-4308 blue and whit very low miieaee; 11095. METZGER, 3510 N. Kings micnway at CHEVROLS.T, "'54; equipped; one owner; lew mileage, onpinal inside and out. standard shift: S795. GKBHART 1 HEVROL.ET 5R1 Gravota CHKVROiiCT, 1953 "210" sedan; radio, heater, other txrraa; very clean; must sell, J.950.

8520 Trufford lane; EV CHEVROLKT. '55 Bel Air; redl'i heater. iwerglide. white walla low ml'ece; private owner; PA iTJHBVROLBT. nine good-We do our loofca good S75 down.

own financing. KUOMANjtSOl Wnahlngton CTiEVRoLICr 'SarsilARP: X6W AS $10 DOWN. $4 WEfcK: lg MONTHS. GLOBE. 31S7 OSAVOIP.

'4S; redlo. heater" 2 new tlrea, clean, rune good, beat offer. TJnlverelty 4-S0V CHEVSTJLE'f. T45T idoofrTr--T muat nil. daitv 8 a.m.

p.m.. cHEVROQrT'lM; At tvixtlHoa. I '55 DODGE, $1595 Corone aedsn; radio, heatar. THOMS III DELMAR FO 1-4808 ctor over- hauled; tO tlrea. EV -805.

BW PELMA.R PA l-iJOn "rrH'5TTtoXET 'STlfeTAlr, J-tr-ne: te-ry clean car; (100 do am, 3 years XKOMAN, 4301 3721 I Oram) 313T f. IPgahlg'jway Vg FR 2-M10' $700. PR 2-57B9..

St. Louis Post-Dispatch from St. Louis, Missouri (2024)


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Author: Cheryll Lueilwitz

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Author information

Name: Cheryll Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1997-12-23

Address: 4653 O'Kon Hill, Lake Juanstad, AR 65469

Phone: +494124489301

Job: Marketing Representative

Hobby: Reading, Ice skating, Foraging, BASE jumping, Hiking, Skateboarding, Kayaking

Introduction: My name is Cheryll Lueilwitz, I am a sparkling, clean, super, lucky, joyous, outstanding, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.