AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. Swttird.iT. Iprll n-27 TRUCKS, TRAILERS, TRACTORS. DIAMOND, beaut, color, about 4i At TO.tlOI'.ILES Hill SALE. Willys-Knight Coupe sacrifice, $143.
Box 139 40, PACKARD JAMS WATERS DuUGH inlxer, one Cbaritnuiil -Clearance Sale of All Discontinued and 1926 Great blx, Mur.passengor. This car would coat you as It sets over $2,600. Car has been driven "iQ'or. m.i i ay. oakld Cleai-Dp Sale OneTon Trucks ENGINEERING COURSE On.
USED CAR STORE fe Offer Today Big Clean-Up SslcofTlitse mm 810 Van Ness A v. plete I.C 8. course In else, eng.j cot $130. sell for $100 for quick dis- Just a few thousand miles and looks as good as the day It lelt the factory. It Is loaded down with equipment and It la all yours for onl Used Phonographs lyo-Jiu 2.U iKUden Gate I Sale FURS Factory samples fur coats Reg.
$1,023, Why pay more? Easy Phone Prospect 60 Tremendous 10 jacqi.eites. neckpieces, foxes: hug. I Columbia 85 Nightingale UK) 23 .11.203 C. M. C.
1VD2 new tires. (i. iM. 1U23 Mtuke, new tires O'lO terms. Open evenings.
1145 Van Ness Ave. Vii -'t-r-bALE FURS, IdjLJtearny. nr. Suiter. Room 3o0.
ins 'ST CHRISLEK KOAD. 23 DODGE COUPE Jeod Rnasiag u(ionui lilB'-ui sn Sonota (used) 150 42 Edison (used) 295 9 INTELLIGENT USRO CAR Buying throui.h quoting rifle but torn prices, allowing partial pay Uf PEES. $7: emply hives. U. M.
C. 1924 panel, new tlrca M. C. 11122. express spec.
325 Graham. 1924 slake 473 Pi COM 393 793 -2j: 1 20, Wm. C. Bowman. Havward.Cal I Vlctrola (used) 250 8 $30 certificate of credit on nw Oakland or Pontine, any model, at big discount Olencourt 8H0 eve.
2d HUDSON COACH ments unl guarunleetug lb good Reo, 1923 pane) 425 Brunswick (used) 120 59 ness of what we sell. i-uix-A-co shop, our new store: ihel 875 Brunswick (dem.) 200 89 Sonora (dem.) 473 149 HEARSE flr.e cond. Knowiton Kervlca 7th-Myitl Onkl'd. original genuine $00 mag. belt: rent-l als dep.
shipped 1921 Packard seaan limousine, 1923 Packard It-pass, sedan, 31124 Packard sedan. 1924 Packard sedan limousine. 192.1 Packard 4-piuia. coups. 1923 Paikurd 8-cyl.
fi-pasa. sedan. 1923 Pai kard -cyl, T-pass, touring, California tn. OPEN SUNPAY8 AND EVENINGS, 675 KOHLER CHASE All Cars Reduced HLieLil-J-i 12JL yy est ti7'IK. CHRTSLER 70 KD AN.
'23 DODGE COUPE. 23 8TUDE. BROt CHAM 20 CHRTSLER 70 Samlow. hardwood body 875 Ford, 1924 stake 103 Dodge light late 475 GENERAL MOTORS TRUCK CO. B15 Van Ness av.
Market 1047. $500 Upl3 Down genuine Wiltshire: lowest) prices In town. McDonald's Book! 111 O'Farrell St. dealer attention: A i'HA' Tl 11 I SOME OAH HI AT INSURE MCE PROFIT UN RESALE. 191'S Packard tt-eyL 7-pass.
sedan. nnnp. Ill oi st, iieniiocK 8980, AMOMOBLLES WASTED. ACE. Bulcks.
Dodges, Stars Any make. Highest spot cash prices MuTOR MIT, 1714 Market st. S93 1.293 1.395 See These Cars Compare Our Prices PUS (Next to Orpheum) l.o tvyiisiiirei ior sale; prac-l -1 I'licKarn twin enupa. 1920 Studcoaker 6, 2-pasa i on ix. '23 HUP 8 SEDAN ticany new, i-n.
tumor W818. '23 Hudson Brougham '28 Hudson Broushain 23 Hudson coarh '21 Huilfin Coach '25 Hudson sedan. 7-pass, 1924 Studebaksr Special 6, 2-door BUICK 8. Studehakers. Dodges.
Chev. Stars: Fords lor CMsh. 2.1 11th tt. 26 PIERCE ItOAUSTER 3,230 723 793 HOTOKllCLKS RICflLDS. Magnetic Health Coil Patent applied for: guaranteed fori TERMS liW AS $50 DOWN A Nil BALANCE AT 20 PER Month.
remember, pkicks listed BK1W ARM Fl 1.1. I'RH'K t'F CAH A.N1J NOT DOWN PAYMENT. BUICK. Dodges. CASH.
2(1 CHRTSLER 70 1.29 flSHER'S, 1233 Vari Nasi, av. nnu iiu vy Lt. '2(1 Iodse Sedan '2') Coupe '23 iftud. Brougham '24 Stud. like new.
PRICES REDUCED On All USED PIANOS 28 CHRYSLER 70 COUPE 1.195 i45 Buick Sedan. .955 1920 STANDARD 8, 3 DOOR. 1920 MODEL fill: ALMOST NEW. BUIUKd and all other makes bought. J.
B. M' Donald. 477 O. O. Park 2340 Used Motorcycles ALL MAKES AND HA RLE Y-DAVIDSON IN PARTICULAR.
Newspaper Mats S95 FORDS and Chevrolet bought for '26 PODG3 SEDAN 24 HUP 4-PASS. COUPE FULL 1 KICE or very wit material, meas In order to reduce our large stock 673 seoan, 1924 Hulrk 5-pass. sedan.1 1920 Flint H-00 sedan. 1923 Cadillac 4-pasa. phaeton, 1924 Jlarmun 7-pSH.
touring, T124 Reo 5-pass, sedan. 1925 Paige 0-70 brougham. 11)24 dik lu nd sedan. I'i23 Olds 4 brougham. l'2l Jordan touring.
1925 Ford coupe, special equip. TiiCH cars nre nil In excellent condition. Including paint and tires. We also have many other fine bargains, Including a couple of good town cars. Let us denionstiate to your satisfaction.
$200 to $500 13 Down cash. 90 Eighth open evenlnirs. FORDS, all makes: snoi cash H37 Golden Gate. Park 1188. '26 Chrysier 6 18x21 Inches, at lc each, F.
I p. our basem*nt: these mats can! be used for lining rooms and as a I 23 HUDSON 6 DUDLEY PERKINS 116 Van Ness Ave. Nash Sedan. .52,175 1920 ADVANCED SIX, 2 DOOR COS t.f-5 suaiu around young irees. Apply FORD AND CHEVROLET WRECK- Sedan 25 BUICK COUPE iiiuijsiiij nepanmeni.
ban fran- lNU ctl- '''a via; West 3399. 'oo r.xa miner. balloons, cjl (.45 '25 FORDS, Chevs. Stars; all light cars INDIAN and ACE motorcycles, parts of used uprights and players, we have decided to lower prices. Man) well-known pianos are now available at a price far below their original cost.
Used Uprights, $95 and up. L'S'id Players. $245 and up. Grands, $495 a-" up. Easy Terms.
Small Down payment. SHERMAN, CLAY 2313 Mission Nr. 21st, EASY OFFICE furniture and store fixtures! fur cash. MASTER'S. 18 6th st.
'24 Podge Roadster. '23 Ks I'oarh. 4 '24 Purant Coupe '2i! Kisr-x Coach '23 Chevrolet Coupe service. Cummlnu Mulr 57 Pnite. CuTirySiier Coach 845 oescriptioD.
radios, sates. 473 1924 ARLEx DAVIDSON motor line st. 1UJ Ph. Graystone 8257 Nash Sedan. 1926 ADVANCED SIX, 4 DOOR.
Jewstt Coach $895 1920 LARGE "113." cycle Trade for an automobile WANTED FOR CASH. Good roadster, late model, mat be relisble. Writ W. H. WOOD, Spaul'llng Hotel, San Francisco, nr.uyvunt) lank.
2.590 bb Annlvl 27 Duboce avenue. '26 Podge 4Door av. punser 0127. Earle C.Anthony kej al-kant tables, chairs: full eq.l CASH WAITING Phone or drive In: flll'SlCAL LNSTRIAIENTIS. Good Rent Pianos, $4 imvn.
rapria. pitn jjarhet. A Safe Place to Your Car 11135 Van Ness Ave. Open evenings. Prospect 444 or 448 highest prices for any model.
EI LIOTT'S. 1325 Market; Hem. 91 Ml. RESTAURANT sunulias. new and lined ORGAN.
$05: low top chapel for mu '23 Oakland Sedan Sud. Light 0 Sedan. '22 Rul'k Tour. '2d Ford Coupe '20 Chev. 'lour 'IK Cadillac Roadster Ford Sedan "23 Star Tour '24 Ful'd Coupe J.
532 McAllister. WANT car, about $300, for lot near 293 295 245 243 245 sician or enurch. paiK 7J2. I'ICRCE-ARHOW phaeton. '22: and cabinets; new.
2d-hand. I Dumbarton bridge. Phone owner. Everfrreen BO. w.
u. 117 Front st. tiHliom tires, calif, top. baut. car: terms.
Smith, 730 Van Nesa, Free Cartage If kept six months. Special to make ruorn for new stock; rent free for six mouths If ou buy. Phone Garfield bOOO. KOHLER CHASE. 111 O'Farrell Next to Orpheum.
SAFE cabinet, genuine: also small I Pianos Refinished $39 COUPE, late model; will pay cosh: PIKKCB-ARHOVV. California top; ii" eaie; mean. ill 2d st. IMarrisonC Sedan 855 Marrnon 6 Roadster 455 Oakland 6 Roadster 475 Maxwell Coach 475 25 Ford Tudor. 255 no fords.
Phone or write Box 1 1 230, Examiner. SAFE Fireproof big bargain. shock absorbers, many extras; $ii)(i. 13H1 Franklin at Pout. Jewett Sedan.
3 026 NEW DAT LUXE. OSfisimoSjtle 1920 DB LUXE MODEL, Pontiac Coupe. $595 192(1. LOOKS LIKE NEW. PackanfSed.
$1,675 1020 SINGLE SIX. 4 POOR. In our new daylight factory-shop; $50 Down .111 MAKK 1ST ST. DO not sacrifice your car; we buy all THREE new grand pianos, new mod els, with slightly defective varnish AFF.S Burgs. In used safes and cab- manes ior export: spot cash.
1019 Vun Nss. (iravstone 42W5. nets, cam, rare California. Chrysler Distributor Ford. $3(15, $393.
and $425: new bench and modern methods save our time and your money; repntr estimate free. Phone Garfield ouOO. KOHLER CHASE. 1 1 1 O'Farrell text to Orpheum. PONTIAG '20 COUPE.
$595.. just like new. almost new tires; runs perfict; easy terms. JAS. F.
WATERS. Chrysler Dealer 810 Van Ro. Star. Chevrolet, Buick. Stuti.
WE pay lop cash prices, any mskes SEWING MACHINE BARGAINS. free delivery: will be sold on a rea H. ft J. Auto Erhangs, 1681 Mkt. aonable low payment down and $10 SACRIFICE SALE ON CONSOLE I AND PORTABLE ELECTRIC I FLOOR MODELS IN WALNUT.
I Van Ness-Post PONTIAC 1927 coutw by owner. $750; a month, or $2.00 weekly. KOHLER it CHASE, Stanley W.Smith,Inc. HIGHEST prices for cars, any make Pianos Tuned, $4.50 or condition. 1358 Hayes; West 3207.
$250 down, no Interest enarse. Address box 17204. Examiner 111 O'Farrell st. (next to Orpheum). MAHOGANY AND OAK.
GUARAN-I TEE AND A FREE DRESSMAK-1 We mothproof your piano free when '23 Dodge Colape 355, WILL pay high, prices. Buick, Hudson Etsex Distributor, lf29 Van Ness ave. Graystone 84f0. tiHO Valencia. Hemlock 4oS4.
1NU COURSE WITH EACH MA MAXWELL club coupe. 1923; fins con iJooge, yora. Hall. 214 Van Ness. CHINE.
ALL MAKES USEDl tuning. finest work guaranteed. Plune Garfield 5000. KOHLER CHASE. Ill next to Orpheum.
sedans and coupes have been greatly reduced. Look them over before buying. REO 1128 Van Ness av. AT $100 would you buy a repruducin grand? I'll say you would. Well, add $595 to It and possess one.
En-Joy Its miraculous fingers playint; your favorite music, Jazz, classic or dition; five good tires; new paint; $100 down. Call 1309 Guerrero at. DROPHEADS, $10 UP. REASON-I CARS bought, sold, exchanged or on Buick 123 MASTER SIX. 2 DOOR.
Buick Sedan 1023 STANDARD SIX, 4 DOOR. TERMS. 829 MISSION, conslgnmt. Wal. 3408: 440 Fulton St.
MAXWELL '25; $135 down. LA 27 Chrysler Roadster ...1,255 26-Chrysler 6 ry cam rn t( r. REO sedan' 25 model; new tires; new PIANO BUYERS NOTICE old time tunetui melodies. nee TOURETTE. 099 Von Ness.
CAR wanted, any make, any will 66 HEINE. 43 Market where price, We sell new and used pianos low SEWING MACHINE BARGAIN 8ALe HNAS0E CO, MAXWELL sport $330; Nash naycasn ri27C.ougM: ph. Fill. 1279. lacquer finish; run very little; price reduced to $1,300: will accept trade.
1128 Van Ness avenue. terms and service are a little hit est prices. Shop around, then call ee. judge yourself. 2S to 60 dlsmunt: electric Dortahles.
Singers 1925. $350. Elliott's, 1325 BIKt, better than the best. nere and be convinced. xou save ALL makes, models of cars (or cash.
Whiles, all makes, guar. $5 up: rent! Coupe 2,155 MAXWELL 4 p. new Duco, pert. $100 to $230 on piano purchase. ItEO roadster Fine car to knock NOTICE! STORAGE HOUSE eal Packard $1,275 USED CAR SALE Affiliated.
719 Turk: Oray 9031. l-wk. repair open evgs. and! $275. 1152 Valen.VaJ.h27S.
union MLHio no jcarreii, il PRACTICE PIANOS to 50 around In: gocd tires and rubber $325, 1128 Van Ness av. 1024 SINGLE nun 3448 Mission Mlaslnn 1010. qpp. Orpheum. Open eves.
199, Unrifinn coach 003 CASH. Chev. rdstr, late SIX. 4 MERCER special roadster: newlv OTHER PIANOS SliO to $12.. LIKE NEW, Buick Touring.
175 8 Tour. 225 state price, mileage. Hot 17248, Ex. I hew. tii up; newl PIANOS RENTED $2 month up; REO sedan, slightly used by company 8 PLAYER PIANOS to $105 8 PHONOGRAPHS 3 to 45 painted beauutul red, tt new tires, good run ins condition; only $393: terms.
1512 Stockton St. Kingers, 73c rent $1.50. 19.27 Essex coach 63 Hii Chrysler 60 7.15 1927 Essx sedan 1926 Chrysler 70 l.LiO DON'T lose your equity. Pell it. See PLAYERS, etc, new and used: rent allowed later purchase.
UNION official: exceptional opportunity, low price. REO MOTOR COMPANY, expert rep. $1 your home. Park 5586. 1 Peerless $1,075 Bungalows, Consoles, used; TERMS GERDES STORAGE.
450 MrAlllsler HOWE at 10th and Folsom. MUSIC 140 O'Farrell. opii. NASH 0 sport 1924; tires like RICK '24. $275 Down.
4 Orpheum. Open eves. 1023 0 ALMOST new and In excellent condition SILK FROCKS SIZES 14 TO 44. in.i STEINWAY reproducing piano (used). Civic Center Oarage Dnen Fventnra and fiundaT.
Brakes. A-l Tires. New Duco, Overhauled. Bumpers. throughout: selling this car at 255 PIANO prices smashed; TERMS: 32 AUTOMOBILE ACCESSORIES.
TIRES. BODIES. mahogany. easy payments. KOHLER A CHASE.
sacrifice; $53(1. Call MR. GOR Disc Wheels. Mirror, Many Other THE RAMSAY CO. 176 Golden Gate av.
Franhlln 3190. DON. Grey. 9062. Ill O'Farrell St.
(next to Orpheum). saved lor CASH; electric orchestral piano $030: powerful church organ $185. 1282 Mkt. Extras, Unusual Performance. Also Maxwell Coupe $385 145 1925 roach; uph.
and tires 24 Cpe. Same Condition. PA 1GK CO. PORTABLE phonographs, regular $29 511 HAYES ST. TIRES ON CREDIT FREE TUBE.
Hudson Cleve. 6 Ford. Coupe, 25. Chrysler 6 Sed. 11)23 3 NEW PAINT.
HUDSON foo.1; terms. IANOS refinished. $37.50: finest mechanically perfect; liuu 418 Golden Gate ay. 250 U1CKENRACKER touring. '23 B3; style.
$22; $5 deliveries. HAN SON'S 137 Powell st. SUITS, o'coats: uncalled for sale; real! NASH '20 SLOAN. 4-door advanced 0: driven very little: all new tires. A wonderful buy at our price.
JAS. F. WATERS. Chrysl.jr dealer. 810 Van Ness av.
workmanship; tuned $4 up. HEINE. suits pressed wnue you wait. I 48 Market st. Chrysler an see tn motor cars.
CHESTER N. WEAVER CO. Varl Ness, at Eddy Orayst. 8000 KN ABE PIANO, unrlght (used) $203. HUDSON '2d brougham, Don Lee Duco: 29S dn.
La Tourette. 12U1 875 LEE TIRES, $1 DOWN. 10 pay 311)5 21st. at Mission. 1287 Pacific 092 VALENCIA.
i PIANOS rented rts. app. on pur KOHLER CHAS7. Ill O'Farrell st. (next to Orpheum).
Van Nesa. NASH special 6 de luxe sedan, 1023; chase; sold low. $05. tms. riornung RICK.
'23: $483 full price; SUITS, men's, 100. $5 and up: 251 HUDSON. '28 coach; perf. cond; 100 Rent 234 Eddy. Pros.
3o. A BABY Grand almost new: bargain new tires, renowed, Tutone duco; a wonderful car for Aniy $485; tms. original finish. In perfect condition; new tires, motor gone over snd guaranteed; only $305 down. 3030 Geary.
overcoats. $4.30 and up; selling out. I Tailor shop. 135 5th st. Open eves.1 dn.
LA TUl KbTlh, van i. mod. niah. upright, fine PIANO. for aulck sale: need money, pars 40 MORE TO PICK FROM CC'ML EARLY.
HUDSON coach bodies, 1927: absolutely new: only $375. K84 Valencia. $80; aft. PAIGE 1C28 VAN NEg3. 120 Page, nr.
Baker, 2071 cond. 1924 70" CROWN IMPERIAL, Many Others to Select From Easy Terms HupmolbiSe 4Pass. Lemna peoples co. Evergreenln. TYPEWRITERS All machines rented I RICKEN BACKER 1923.
for sale ANOS RENTED: 50 to select from. RENT A PIANO ONE MONTH FREE NASH. 1920. la's, advanced six. 4- bv 4 wo.
brks. ex. cond Hornung's. 234 Eddy, Prosp. 3388.
$400 Can be seen at McAIL door sedan: 7-bearing crankshaft; driven H.OuO miles: like new: $1,295. $73 up. Conpe. equipped with new rubber, reflnishcd in ivory. Car Is mechanically perfect and Is a wonderful huv at only $595.
If you want a USED PIANOS like Rent. SAXOPHONE. Buescher. melody; tsecond st. pnone Gutter 1521.
Post St Stor 1000 West 4228. Mr. Igler, 820 Mission (2nd floor). 1147 an Ness. Graystone 9577.
just like new: will sacrifice. aiK. MICKLE, Graystone 7300, TYPEWRITER. Underwood, perfect! STAR 1920 coupsier This car Is a GRAND nisnos rented $8 per month real good automobile sure to see I NASH cond. Ph.
Garfield 5250. bet. 1924 touring; very fine excellent annearance: tires un. HEINE, 949 Market St. ZITHER, beautiful German, reason this one.
Easy terms. Open eve- condition real buy and In the pink of condition; priced to sell at Once for $395. Call MR. GORDON. Grey.
9002. 1 verv good. HOWARD A TO CO. able. 353 29th st.
Ph. Valencia FOR SALE One Moon Hopkins hill chromatic accordion Used Cars You Can AFFORD TO BUT. Down pymt. Hudson 7-pass. sedan (almost 1001 Van Ness av.
Graystone 2000. ing mach ne. one year old. excel ant I nlnars. 1145 Van Ness 1123 POST ST.
BET. VAN NESS AND POLK. Ph. Graystone 9662 leather case: $00, comp. 820 Mission 109 buys player piano, mah.
case. Private Sales Financed 1 Present Contracts STAR sedan, late model, good condi NASH tour. 1924: motor aood excellent tone and action: ou arr HIGHEST CASH PAID FOR PIANOS ets rolls and bench: terms tion. $400. REO lU'B Van Ness, nhnnnrrsnhs.
Market fi77() ree ap condition; one Burroughs' bookkeeping machine, excellent condition, complete with two trays and rolllns cabinet account of creditors' trustee sale must be sacrificed at once. Can new) 3iK week. Many other specials during; sale. fl good rubber, paint good, lull OUpniObliie bt. beQl.
price $33H. Call l.lOU Guerrero st. Full price only $1.89.1: car has NASn cb. 1925; advance 0 new been driven Just a few thousand nice condition; $87u: terms STAR touring, 1925; fine motor; good OPEN EVENINGS. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS KOHLEJH CHABEi.
2400 Mission st. rubber, only $00 down. Call 1309 Guerrero near 20th st. ticaenoacKer 'a edan 25" Chandler coach. '25 2iKi Reo.
a irltable sedan 15 Studbaker. Cal. 20ft be seen at 708 folk st. Fisher's, 1233 Van Ness. mllfs and is practically brand new Information Solicited and Cheerfully UNIV.
drafting 20x72" dwg.l BABY GRAND PIANO, latest mahog THE BARGAIN CENTER OF SAN FRANCISCO. STAR coupe, late '25; balloon tires. This car would cost you as it setslNASH adv. 6, 1925 Motor per- APPAREL. MAR? B.
TOWLB. Kletber coach. '25 sedan 300 table. 42x(i(i" adj. uwg.
tacie. vaui over $2,700. Just look what youl feet, 5 good balloons, paint like new. any, standard make, tiva. mis is a regular $750 value.
4 more 4-wheel brakes; $343, terms. Prospect 510. 116 G. O. ave.
Balance from 12 to 18 months. Slightly used, high class garments! Kearny 7331. 850 VAN NESS AVE.1 Given. WEST NATIONAL FINANCE Merchants Exchange bid. Gar.
11510. save. Easy terms. Open evenings. I down.
Call 1309 Guerrero st BLACK silk coats, closing out; latest! Every car a riable huy. Hacked by our five million dollar automo STAR 6. "27 model: full of extras NASH eoai4i, 1925 model; fine condi grands, $475 up. Compare our values and prices. UNION MUSIC CO.J 140 O'Farrell.
opp. Orpheum. Open 1145 Van Ness Ave. for all occasions. 1903 Bush St.
ant. 5: phone Prospect 2731. APPAREL Ladles' dresses, coats mod. $15. 138 Kearny, Km.
duo. here Is a buy; terms to suit, poo tion; good tires; $950. KEO bile and truck factory. Ask any- iitn sv. sunset mm.
A GENUINE Wllthire lonaco. 12711 1128 Van Ness. eves. HUPMOBILE 1925, 4-vaea. sedan: un Calif.
St. Phone Park SSIMi STAR '23 genuine CaliCornia NASH light 0 sedan. 1920; motor per suits, furs: new and silently used MARIE MARTINEZ. 636 Post. aot.
1. S. Pros. 9147 BABY GRAND, small size. man.
1920 DO DUE COUPE. 11)25 (Balloon tires.) DODGE COI PE. 1H25 000 883 150 usual value. EDWARD LUV.ii. HO TORS.
2001 Van Ness. top: bargain. 7i rarreu. HARVARD CLASSICS, comp. uiib in aiiromia.
Kleilber Motor Co. 10th and Folsom 8ts. Hem. 8270. Open Bundays.
feet; paint like new; fine rubber; AUTO LOAN CO. VALENCIA AT PHONE HUMinfK 4IRt Open 9-0: Fri evg. to 0 reas. 1328 Hyde, apt. 4.
Frkln. 4747.1 lowl down, i.itiu uuerrero st. 1UPMOBILE 1920 cvl. sedan STAR. '25 red spt.
$85 down. LA TOURETTE. 699 Van Ness. slightly used! standard make: bench Included: will sell for small unpaid balance of $387: terms reasonable; don't fall to see this little beauty. '924, vie.
coupe; excellent APPAREL, sport coat, gowns, dresses lease, ner'. cond. 3DU flown. iei.AMH 65 FORD 1920 coupe. aliKhtly used.
Every Clair Sanborn, 1251 Van Nss av I mech condition: new tlrea. Edward LOAN8 WITHOUT INDORsem*nT. MACHINERY AND STAR sport '25: new Duco, hall, tlrea: $395. 1152 Valencia. Val.
8278. fur coats: new and slightly useu 820 Jones, apt. 61. Franklin 5202 PRESENT PYMTS. REDUCED AND HUPP.
1924 good Duco ixiwe Motors wui van nece KOHLER CHASE, 2400 Mission st. Open evenings. ueiau in tnst-viass condition. HOWARD AXITO 818 Van Ness ave 55(1 4'H APPAREL Almost new. high class STAR 6 touring, '27 model; a- enap at aint, motor JUBt overtiauiedl re-lNASH advanced six coach, 1925.
fine STEEL rails, railway equipment, loco-l uraysTone liioo. BALDWIN PLAYER piano, $335; per-' bored. 1415 O'Farrell st. Pros. 410.
new rubber: a bargain; $275 moderate prices; garments solicited 42! motor, $39(1. 1301 Franklin at. motive cranes. Iron and steel prod-1 FOR '20 sport 90 down: '24 Money Advanced 12 to 24 Months CONFIDENT down, 775 Oeary. aot.
4(11. Franklin Call 1309 Guerrero st. 030 JEWETT '20 SERIES COACH. ueta. stee mates, etc.
SAN FRAN feet condition, used careruny; KNABE Player. 1385. Also 6 other :i.i; 1150: '23 tr. Stmde '25 Brougham CISCO IRON METAL 3801 1 APPAREL. LADIES', slightly used Large series almost new.
I NASH special 6 roadster. 1920 Floe 'un. atarter, $35: '23 47! guarRiitetd perfect: new tires; a Stockton. Douglas 2409, 2410. condition: bargain: Sunsut tine val.
721 ueary, apt. rr, i nm players. $185 up; free rolls, delivery, etc. UNION MUSIC CO. 110 O'Far.
rell. opp. Orpheum, Open eves. igiiriH. in stn st.
030 wonderful huv- only $293 down: easy Big six balloon bumpers, spare tire, trunk, disc wheels. QUICK, COURTEOU TREATMENT. 0427. 49th cor. Judah ONE battery charger motor generator! CARPENTER'S tools, one kit, $25: one I nnA ptjku Dumpers, extra TT- i 1 Chrysler NASH advanced 6.
olirlnir. 1923: mo complete. 1 k. 1 garage moron new blue Duco finish, bhown mohair ure; runs Eooa: down, 20 mo tor perfect; fine tires: Duco paint. renalr stand: 1 air compressor: II upholstery, like new, completely over surveyor, iiinnuiuciu.
touring earf 150.0 53 erosman st; bet. Valencia and Guerrero and 13th LOANS' 'Q UQDKiass. nr. 24th st Nerviee station gasoline utimn com JEWETT sedan '26 De Lux model: $100 down. 1309 GiiTrero st hauled a month ago: this car cost (High-pressure urea.) DODGE COUPE, 11124 DODGE COUPE.
1925 (Gould top.) 'CHEVROLET SPURT. J925 FORD. J920 COACHES. HUDSON COACH. 1923 11124 ROADSTERS.
Open eveninss. plete. 820 Ctstro Hayward.l i oku. 1920 in wond $213 has been driven very little ano iooki and 14th: call Sunday only. over think of your saving NASH.
1920 Come see: make offer. perfect in every 418 Golden Gate Ilka a new car: a wonderful sav voupe. .1, iieriect. fus: us (over $1,800) at my price of $1,059 respect: $750: tms. ins- for one whrt Is contemplating CASH register.
National, new electric (1 drawer: wall and floor show '24. $75: tms. 41K Golden Gate CARNET AUTO LOANS ARE SAFE. BECAUSE CARNEY HAS C. F.
BULOTT1 MACHINERY 1925 2-door sedan: tires and will take diamond or lady's fur coat as part payment and can arrange new car. See It at 1117 Van NASH bv, nm at Kan rancieco. PR1GHT piano, used, bungalow size rORD COUPE. 1924: ready to Ko; ex cases. display fixtures, cutting $2,000,000 IN RESOURCES BACK pa Int good.
1 000 Vai, Ness av, Ness av. Easy terms. New nnd used mschlne tools ternis on balance: this Is a woritler- ine; oniy i.i; terms to suit. Ca tables, cheap. Rm.
408 Mercedei in good playing condition. Cut from $225 to $150, Including bench: $10 INASH 1927 advanced tt roadster. cranes, punches and snears. cnaini ful ouoortunlty for one wanting a it to 73 Douglass, nr. 24th st 251 Post st.
10 a. m. to 2 Jewett 1926 Coach hoists and railroad supplies. $1,330. 408 Golden Gate av.
ING EACH LOAN: TliOS. CARNEY CO. 1235 Van Ness ave. (Prosnect 04.) high class closed car. CALL WAL FORO.
'2a-'24. Fordor seda.i, looks delivers, balance easy. WL'RLII V. 234 3 Mission st. Open eves.
CASH REGISTER. ADDING MA NUT 552'8. PUMPS, deep well, new and used; 12 Excellent condition throughout- NASH 1927 advanced 6 sedan; driven CHINES, all makes: save 25 to eoou. runs ood; $175. 403 19th av.
Pafic 1917. small mileage- priced riht. $8D0 1.20O miles: $1.800. 408 (j. O.
sv. to 24 Ins. stroke, motors ana gaoi BUNGALOW PIANO New $450 stvlea 504. S. F.
CASH REGISTER CO. "Largest loan Institution In the West." Studebaker 6 Coach engines. DORWARD DUMP COM BUT LEH-VEITCH. 1101 Van Ness. now $315: barga n.
Pay 8 months NASH 6, '21 nice shape; $73 411 Narket st. Ph. Douglas nun PANY. 72 Natoma uarlieia NO INTEREST.
Used bungalows. JEWETT. '25 spcl. $923: $320 dn. LA TOURETTE, 099 Van Ktw.
FORD rudor. 1920. like new. $335: 1925 rd balloon tires. $175; 1920 $225.
Elliott's, 1325 Market. CASH register, Toledo scales, counter FRANKLIN. 11'21 '26 Series, delivered to you complete for only $875. Why pay more? ivpr nivii new and $123 up.
UNION MUSIC CO. 140 down; 4-w. Tutone Duco 2 bunin- OAKLAND coupe. 1924 motor: perfect refrigerator, butcher fixtures. O'Farrell, opp.
Orpheum; open eves. guaranteed: very reasonable, 1491 J.E. FRENCH CO. em. uiu mi wiwiiii 1 srmrt paint' Job: new tlrea.
etc. only Fillmore West 540; 1145 Van Ness Ave, Eleventh Market 1810, CONSOLE type phonograph, demon tometer. wind wings, rumble tiroi dnvpn. Oall 1309 Guerrero st. FOR couoe.
late 1926 Bal. tire, sneedm A-l mech. $323. terms. 214 Vi.n Ness CASH register Comulete stock sec ff'il Van Ncps av.
Gray. 9000. Our Total Charge ON AUTOMOBILE LOANS. $8.50 PER $100 FOR 8 MONTHS. $9.50 PER $100 FOR 8 MOS.
$10.50 PER $100 FOR 10 MOS. $11.50 PER $100 FOR 12 MOS, COMPARE THE RATES. LINCOLN FINANCE 901 Post st. Prospect 1350. strator model: regular value alio.
i ii iininuK IMfl MACHINERYI worm or extras. rAmc iu. iTioi T7 ond hand. $50 up. NATIONAL STUDEBAKER '24 big 6 7-pass.
tour Special to clear $35: $5 delivers. bought, rold or rented. PACIFICl CHRYSLER 1923 royal coupe; In verv JEWETT SPE. SED 2b, Loexneadi new paint, motor a real huy CASH REGISTER 519 Mnrket FORD sedan, late '22: lots power: WURLITZER, 2345 Mission at. Open good condition and rubber Hood, 100(1 COAST MACH'Y 140 Howard brakes, balloons, discs bumpers, I l7r, down Caii iqoo Guerrero st.
CASH register and showcases. lng; completely reconditioned: new Duco and perfect balloon tires. This car Is good for 100,000 miles of eves. an Ness av. ex.
tire: only $95; terms to suit. Car 11 to 733 Douglass, nr. 24lh. mirrors, w. s.
wiper, Duco like OLDSMOBILE 1923: new paint Blms; mandrels, saws: TERKELTAUB. 077 McAllister st. TRADE your piano or player piano CHRYSLER roadster. .70 model. 1925: MOTORS, all new.
chean. new. special car with equip ment. $20 bal.
easy. PalgeCo, 778 McAllister. FORD "20; new car guarantee only l'O0. ROY MIKES, usage; $295 down, easy termH balance C. N.
WEAVER CO, Van Ness at Eddy. $32. St homer. 451 Baker st. CIGAR showcase.
6 feet, practlcall for a new radio or phonograpn. KOHLER 4 CHASE. Ill O'Farrell St. and 2400 Mission St. new tires; overhauled; $24.18 down payment.
38S5 GEARY Vsn Npps a v. IKWETT 1924 couoe: new paint: very Quick Loan Service FORD couns '22. $70. '21 road BOATS AN1 SUPPLIES. new, with marble base, very reason able for uuirk tale.
810 Clement at good tires: excellent condition CLEVELAND, sneciai touring. 1923 STUDEBAKER COUPE. '24 Sol. $123. 451 Baker.
West 138. No waiting; all loans confidential CHVVECHTEN piano, used; a bar throughout. HOWARD AUTO CO $2H8 Down '24 Std. $283 izlR.pmohile ton: comnleiely ovr-hauled and auaranteed: many extras WATKINS. 250 Van Ness.
Park 2705 late '24: com FORD K18 Van Ness av. Graystone 10U0. IOI.DSMOBI LE touring 30 foot auxl'iary sloop; Just In eom-I guaranted. COATS. DRESSES.
FURS of every coupe, late '24, 451 Baker st. Ulg 0 VIC. $278 '23 Spl. $2 gain at $123 on terms or $4 a mo. KOHLER CHAPE.
1 1 1 O'Farrell next to Orpheum. mission; a roomy, seawortny Doat.i JEWETT de luxe seoan. 1924; nnel possible kind: factory samples: sue $244. All reconditioned, new LEGAL RATE, no exuess charges, MARTIN E. KEMMERLE.
Imludlna one shot luhrlrattn ii tern; this car ran be bouth; foi Still. 10 down payment. fast under power or sail; Jl.oo. pletely reconditioned: will give service like a new car; only $395. Thlf Is a leader.
C. N. WEAVER CO. Van Ness at Eddy. FORD COUPE- 1924.
priced to sell motor, good rubber, paint, $lon Duco. A-l tires. Priced Immediate 14 to lit: tremennnus riock. iaiw WHOLESALE ROOMS. Young bid 82 Golden Gate Prospect 5540.
Phone Alameda 2202 W. down. Call 1309 Guerrero st. sale. 1928 WAN NESS.
133 Kearny, nr Suiter, room BOG. beautiful pktno. idishtly used; will sacrifice for quick anle: can arrange terms. Box 7920. SLOOP "Challenger" for sale, A-l NO brokerage Auto loans by private Edward Lowe Motors Co I'OOl V.
FORD coupe. 1925: like new: bJlToor tires: $275: terms. 1512 Stockton st. 3855 oeary JEWETT coach, '25, big $200 dn. STUDEBAKER 1925 big duplex OLDSMOBILE coach.
1920 model, mo shape: price right. Phone Sun party: lowest rate, confidential. Ph LA TOURETTE 1201 Van Nesa a v. COFFEE urns and steam tables roadster; newly painted; very good tor perreet: good rubber: paint like set 1701. CLEVELAND 2-DOOR SEDAN: new I'-rHtiRlln 9009, 10 a.
tn. to 2 p. T. TOPPER CO. 1089 Mission st JORDAN BKOlJ.
4 D. 231243 Down. tires; nrst class condition, kiivv new, etc. $225 down, lil0 Guerre to CHICKEIUNG grand piano (used); FORD tour. -22 $50: '24.
1390 th at Judah. tires, oiiulnal tininn. plenty ol ARD AUTO 1001 Van Ness Balloon Tires, Bumpera, Natural OVERLAND '23. $525 extras, mot reconditioned; $495. av.
Ornystone 2000. PET STOCK HOSPITALS. Wood Wheels, Duco. Visor, Other Corrugated Iron FORD COUPE, 1920; LEALTIFUL rosewood case; terms. KOHLER ft CHASE, ill O'Farrell st.
(next tn Orpheum' bumpers, nickel shell, motometer: AUTOMOBILES FOR RENT AND GARA(iES. Extras. U.iusual Value. Priced for friiis or trau. liiiu van isess ave Cra ytone Ii7o0.
STUDEBAKER Lt. 6. '22: $293 ULl.1.1. J.iu VAN NESS. mirror, balloons: thorougnly recon NEW.
Quick Sale, A1GE CO. DR M. J. O'ROURKE. treating.
A large stock of standard make phono. HUNDRED SQ. $3.43 $135, CLEVELAND 'nupe. 1925; motor per FORD, "24 perfect shupe; easy terms. 3100 al that powerful car.
In fine shspe, CHESTER N. WEAVER Van Neaa and Eody. Gray. 8000 board. 720 Valencia st Vnlen.
74IKI latest model; re- KISSEL 8 sedan IS. BRAN PER HI Iyer BRAND PER feet, new 'isint. new nsnoons. etc. ot'Iy down.
1'nll Guerri-o sacrifice; 2 months CHRYSLERS, all models. 509. 6ns and 7(is. low rates: full Insurance. 335 al gruphs to rent Terms to ana $4 a month, no hicher.
Heine. U49 Market st. Open evenings. ditioned; a find: $188 down. PAIGE 1028 VAN NESS.
Packard Single 6 Sport touring, not a liner car It: old: new car guarantee and service. STUDEBAKER. 1920. Hlx Six snort FORD 1925; i $105. MAGGIM.
many extras 123 Jackson st. PET STOCK-Doks, Cats, Etc. Jones phone Franklin 411. rXXJNGHAM O-PASS. touring tur.
KISSEL. 1910 Van Nesa live. roadster: like newt $1,350. BOYER STEINWAY. used, wonderful tone, 14 CAR OARAGE; lot 50x100: 4 mi.
TENANT MOTOR 1900 Van 1070. KEARNY flr.e rt'niuiiK ordt-r: a balsam. IS.s (iearv rt. KLEIBEH COACH OR SEDAN: BOTH I 820 MISSION. FORD coupe.
1924 model: In Al condl lion; $175. 3J1B Folsom st. SVixlVs. 1 fit); terms. Heine.
jMaraet si. the city, folks, end It Is going for only $885. A wonderful car in JiSSUty- Graystone 0300. LIKE NEW: LATE MODELS: SOLDI DOG house, new, for sale. Phone Mission 4349.
house; year lease $83 mo. Su ter32IO. WITH A NEW FACTORY GUAR 3TUDE '25 BlU 0 DUPLEX: 4-w. Dodge 4Pass. Coupe FORD s.
i body, only $03 beautiful hhape bolh mechanically dern. wheels, sllnoi Maggini, 123 Jackson ARS and tnieks without drivers, In. ANTEE: SPECIALLY PRICED FOR POLICE pups, shepherd, wolf gray. I first class pedigree, $43 UP. 15321 est rates.
1325 Market' Hem. 915 Lnr MMh, efluipici with and iinisn. see this one If you want a Packard. Easy terms. Open balloon tires, motometer, died wheels, bumpers.
Al balloons, overhauled, good paint. TERMS. PAIGE CO. ti'itu 7 of them; starters: QUICK SALE: VOUU CHOICE $1,395: TERMS: IT WILL PAV VOL Greenwich St. $35.
$43. 337 Golden Gate. evening. FRENCH tov poodle, male. 6 months! STUDEIiAKER S.
S. 1923; FORD 1923: TRUCKS. TRAILERS. TRACTORS. ss old: house broke; for sale cheap guaran 123 Jackson.
MACQ1N1. bft Uoon tirtr.i. wheels. bumpers and a world of oth-r Car in prati-ally nw and goine lor only Eu terms. Opfrt evenihK.
1145 Van Ness Ave. motor, Duco paint, 0 tires, $100 down. 13119 Guerrero st. Sunset 8742. (F.I) couoe.
'23. Al otidition; od STUDLBAKER. Victoria Packard '24 Sport Onlloon lircs: cusy tms. Btiyv GREAT DANE, pedigreed. 1H yesrsl old: perfect disposition; J400I AFAYKTTE 1924 closed coupe-sedan coune: no Chandler- down payment.
See TERLING VALUES rebuilt rerinlehed, new tires: here 1 TOHD coach, latent '27: wire wheels 4-pass. pbaeton. single 0: 3 new allejo. Cleveland ad. a value EDWARD LOWE MOTOR exts new car: $J3: tms, 10 jth PEKINGESE snd Boston breed maters.
STUDEBAKER Standard Six sport DODQE '26 SEDAN 2('0l Van Ness av. halloun tires: aeml-epclosed top; wonderful huv. JAS. F. WATERS Chrysler Dealer.
810 Van Kens av. FORD narter: classy: $05. Sterling chain and worm drlv oed, and cheap. 308 Ellis J920; like brand new: a val AFAYETTE 7-rass, sedan: beautiful Alao $35. 1H 8th st.
nutripH; renuut; fine rubber; exeep- apt.L 1 four cWor, for only balloon tireR, humperu: re-duoocl -In latest condition: cheap. ED LOWE MO-(Packard $350 dn. Call 1 309 Guerrero. STl'DE. tourings (8).
1922s: big 0. twin 7 Dfljjg MedHn FORD '25 bsl. tires. $175. PEG1NGESE at stud; siring large lit iionai units.
Packard 5-ton: fine flat hodv tor ci). 2'iii van Nss av. excellent atip' flrHnc and me- h. con coluv; oar Is pur left finrl is IX'HERTV 1175 pllTRERO. ters of beautiful long coated oup-f special 0, light 8: at a bargain.
418 dit'nn; a Quality Par. 1 A a wnpUeitiil ljuy at only ts'Jj, Easy good rubber; mechanically perfect bargain. pleS Bay view 4244. FiiRT) new type '20; tood cond Golden Gate, unen Sunday Lincoln, 1927 LOWK MOTOtt 20U1 Van 22.i, terms. 110 a Vrnn.
5 HI cot. LIE pm 5 mos. old. pedigreed. 'e8 nv.
STUDEBAKER Standard (I. 4-door se 1145 Van Nes: Now 5-pHtMner special; cos Republic 2-ton; stake body: good tires: cab; priced low. We alHO have many others; dumps Sdneie ov, San Jo, clan, 1925: loogs like new; only FRANKLIN sedan 1923- good taint tt-pattBonwer Redan, vrr atout run only about 4 down. Call 13(9 Guerrero st. FRENCH hull ours, tburoiiaubred.
latent model, cannot te. told from and rubber: a good, reliable car HMiO Van Ness eve. DODGE COUPE, late, balloon tlrex vtfks; btf sairiric! 10 prlva tf-party; no trade, no dfft1rs. Phmr for sale, sun 4ivh Kayv, h'mii nnv lea vint? ihip, can ana rials, all size. Open Sunday- morning, STERLING STl DKBAKF.R '24.
light 0 Calif, top: full price $4(10. terms. Doug. 3511). 214 Francisco st.
iMjinpers. uriven very little; will tuki tas wurth Is'HI: can arrang' rantft- terms. Box hxmnr FRANKLIN "23 demi sedan $090: ENGLISH bull for sale. 408 rankl3n tjjji( noon or eve 408 Golden Gale av. Frankfort.
Paly Cttv. Del. 3147. nlrurs. PACKARD ewlan, "JH.
balloon ternis. all MR. M1CKLE, Gray STUDEBAKER S. H. 1924; flue tiro.
ntw uuoo paint. SB.iO; will be UNCOJaSa For anv bnrfv at via tn PEKINGESE, male, reg ery Kt( ij399 jL MOTOR TRUCK CO C. S. sport touring; full n-t sidi curtairs. new Duco: mechanical eon dition pUHranteed: 8575.
terms. N-v small: ss.c. K40. 4(s Dav st. LlnenlriH see im flrnt; our rare ftrf rx)DGE 1(125 conch; class oomlt Bold for bent offr; terms.
WAT KIN'8. 250 Van Nesa ave. molor. disc wheels, fine rubhein etc. down.
Call 1300 Onerre-n rebuilt an4 rtl worthv tion tr. roiiKlmtit excellent niipeurnrc, ENGLISH hull pun, 8 male.l 320 Pulton: VVslnut 1823: Call 98 Tyvelfth San Francisco. Slt ffnd Castro Oakland. Mission Garnge. 20th bet.
Fol- STUDEBAKER big 0 speedster '23 Blei tires. HOWARD Ai ID CO new lacritke $800. top. Ph som anit f-notwei. 10U1 'UIl Ncus Oravtone 'jnoo ajuiuna amii van n.w Duco puint all good rubber; perfect condition liarg.
for quick sale. 750 Post st 2 Mack lumber trucks; only light use- Sunset 9118(1. DODGE, 25. touring: excellent tii age for 8 num. a so trailer: all I.I I'M-f 0NS.
liirrKJtr Hudson Six Sedan LINCOLN. 1924. 7-pats. sedan: new PACKARD. 8.
1025. 5-pass sedan; this and overtiauh-o; Iookp li-tfe new. Elr STfT)KItAKKU Victoria coupe. B-pasa good as new equipment. WM SdlTH LUMBER 3d and Chan tires; rebuilt and refinlshed; guar- WARD LCWE MOTORS 2oO) VXS, perfect paint, roiv.
roiss. aon let the orice is the cheapeat car in town. ROl MlItKS. 921 Van Ness av. OA BY chicks, all breeds on hand snteed.
Edward Lowe Motors Co. Van Nes v. net ida. seme jou. This car is a late model 2QD1 Van Ness Uuker's Bird Store.
1102 Market. DODGE SKUAS, fine running condl PACKARD 0 1925. ta- i'Ti'DKBAKKR. bin tt apeedHtr. '24 FEDERAL Ditmo Iruck.
hen is in beautiful shape mechanically and finish, and Is one of our leaders LINCOLN 1924 SEDAN all INCUBATOR BARGAINS We have duty type: outtlt almost new: wa ral ebiKsy car ior di5. 141 lion. 3 good tires; tun price $125 terms. 1720 Van Nefcs ave. Gray this ear; bargain.
ROY M1RF.S. Inc. 928 Van NesH. for sale used Charters incubators that any on would want. ED to sell or will rent by month with tor today only.
Iok. full price only franklin et several weslcrn States. These incu- WARD LOWE MOTOR 2001 stone 6 1 oik option of purchase. Box 3 1 "V3, r. i.
an you peat Easy terms PAi'KARD RtxHiRht 8 sport ft- STPDE13AKEK. lUUfl atandard coupe are In gooii condition. They Van Nf-s av. DOUGF, bus. cuuiie, late '23.
$295; CHEVROLF.T panel delivery, late good cond. price nght. Franklin ii LINCOLN 1922 4 bass, couoe: '-'pen evetunss. 11 45 Van Ness Ave. model, hardly used: $875: couoe 1925.
a dr.ndv re. owner KoinK to 1'Jurope; forqut wale, 1737 Jarksnn PACKARD ainule tt aed.m. Post qi. Phunn Prompt newed and guaranteed EDWARD Tl DURAKER car: like new terms, call 55 Perry at Phone, 1r 23 Oaniuna snon. Ji4 Itllick '22.
$150; Star $11,3. Terns or trade, lij Mh DOOUE eou Jti23. diw wih'-'I 11)00 Van Ness av lAJW-I MOTORS CO. 2001 Van Douglas 4558. will be shipped from (he hatcheries nearest tn vou.
A limited number of highlv satlsfsctory 340-eue capacity Incubators at prices aston-Ishly low Write us THK SMITH INCUBATOR COMPANY 19S0C Seventy-fourth Cleveland. Ohio. Ness av. TUPE. Spec.
6. '21: runs good: bar Hudson, 1925 Sedan KKHI'ILT aitarnnleed Republic truck PAR1K '2ft 4-d. Hrtrt- I.NCOLN 1925 touring, renewed, new gain: $112. Call Sun. 739 0th av Nice etiape.
jukuas i.u., 13M car guarantee and service. Edward 2443 Sixteenth sL. near Bryant. Market NS; Lowe Moteir. 20U1 Van Wills St.
Claire DODGE. sedsn- tien-; e. REO specdwagon, late model, large LOCOMOBILE tras; $050: terms. tt 4 door. Folks, you can hunt thu town all ov-r and not find a ar is perfect and It is i for today only at $73.
a flvvonh 1 frnis. 145 Van Ness Ave. 1925 sport roadster: In perfect con Latest model, practically new 7-1 express body and top. $743. itto 1128 Van Nesa.
dltlon, owner tn Europe, left car to Have You Something You Want to Sell? Whether you want to sell a cash register, a sewing machine, an automobile or a house or perhaps to buy furniture, a safe, a typewriter or a farm, there is someone who wants to buy the thing you wish to sell or wishes to dispose of the article you want to purchase and in all likelihood you will find the opportunity to fill your needs advertised today in Examiner Want Ads. If not, tell the people of the Bay Region of what you want. Phone Sutter 2424 Or in Oakland Call Lakeside 3800 Ask hr an Ad Taker! fnrd Fho ks. disc vneelM. balloni) tlr1.
hd. nickel fhell, motomelr, visor. btr, m'r-ror. trunk, 7.1 bp. motor: ovr-haul'Ml; pnint good.
nibbT A-1: tnm. A flJM A NKSS '-4 looks. Minn like Tuton Duco; nw then every ImHffinabte xtra: drive It awv; SiiQtj down. PAM'R Ctt pass, sedan; five months old; run 11. I.
B. Rock or B. Min. chicks. $15 tier Hill: 5 yvks.
Buff leg 23u ea. HAHN'S HATCH. 3l'7ii Mission, st. YOUNG fat roouers for sala. at 1399 Gulvez nr.
Lnre, RARE BIRDS DOVES PHEASANTS. QUAILS lf34 EI.KVKNTH AV. be so at a SACRIFICE. Berkeley nr. Market.
HetnliK-kJ'J, plJiKTE SEDAN, m. 4-JOor, likt new. Oivner miift sell nt t'iill (VUourke. 1 REO 2-lon truck: dual tires, stake miles; coct $8,500: will tell 5380 or Lake. 108tl.
or call at No. 2 for and take a cheaper carl body; overhauled; like now: price low. REO 1128 Van Ness. iUU ere Hcl el ey. part payment.
Box 10730. Ex- HIT. e'Hlip. with dus DOIGE Fpec. couiie, lale "25: fl WILLS ST CLAIRE.
1925 sport tour amin.r. delivery CHEVROLET screen side on 'i-Liji'-torH: nmn, LA TOUUtfTL, 1201 an lng; wondenful condition. Park 4347 terms LocoraoMHe 866 BramJ ii q-iv( mis car Ne.s. 4 Page Pt. grod mechsnxal condition P.EO 1128 Van Njs a TAltiK 102.
louttna. new balloon tf I.I VESI'IK K. VEtllt I KS. ETl. HEAVEtt LU.
Ill DOI.K1E. U.I25 NOeciul (Oiictl; WILLS ST. LA IRK 4-prsh. siiort I VP. run vry little.
itsnuine brffain. 7UI Vn cor. Turk at. SVi-ton fiat rack truck: bsrgsln. or Nej, I'N new Duco.
new tires: sac. HI 1 terms. Prospect 11(1 G. (. will exchange tor pleasure car.
See owner. 3039 Clement st. Rerind'tlonil; new Kuarantwj. IH'OMUHILH Furtury fir-mcn. Fulton ft.
Sjn ri ay 3, ior I luijmg TF.AV of hrown mares chunky build have re further u.e for same: lef in he sold: aluo teams, cheap 22 14 th St. WILLYS KNIGHT great a coupe se vond. new IjaUoon tlrei. erivj ori'-e rlgiit. Fraiiklin 2o.
DODGE, lale '25 new ballon $150 dn La To'i'et'e. 121 Van LX.MHJE w-i ic in, '27 nied mommy pay FOR truck, Rux. axle, cab and Peerless 8 Sedan 1924. Excellent condition. New Duco.
oi Call Giayetune dan: like new; cnmi'ltely equipped great sacrifice. 149U Francisco, apt express. $400, REO 1128 Van es ave. lo: tinone i-iuniore iwo. dn.
LA TOUHKTTE. 1201 Van Ness I. DC (MOBILE bmnch. 7-rm FORD ton truck, exnress Ihk1.v: good -rtoor HLARf-K fine conn. Knowiton Service S.a., 7 1 hM yrtle.
Da klar.d. 20 he'd horses for sale. G. LI DA KR 122 Clara St. 2 3 0F lion st.
pen Sunday, WILLYS-KNIGHT -70 coupe: 8.0mi illT'SCN Al ci 2145 i- -3: Jnwt paiTif-d ri-' ri DOi.anS leie rubber and $130. MAIS-GIN1. 133 Jackro Locomobile 4S 1920 sport LOCOMOBILE Factory pranch 23' l-'u 1 1 on st. upii Sunday. AjcojioRlLE 1925 model touring scild ton.
4 wheel brakes: real value EDWARD LOWE MOTORS CO Vnn Ness car every respect V. HKl'CPUIG T)( termj-. Dili; Mkt erhanr-d s.ii; Ci- PEKRLEHS 1925 touring; a er an Ness av. 1221 Clelr ft Sanborn, C. t'l 'ii ket Mo FORD 1925 del body, suit- car; 4-wheel brakee.
balh "tiHs: 5 Dt'DGE a-dan. Hi. old: el' tirea. HOWARD Al'I'ii CO. 818 able a plumber, $175.
WILLYS-KNIGHT grnt 1926. 4 WANTf. MISCELLANEOUS Ph. HUDSON aeunn. '24: prscLctTllv oe tires and pu-o fmli.
DOHERTY BRi'iS. 1173 POTRERO 1 in Ne. av. Graystone 10CI. pass, coune: run 7.224 mih-s: cost car lel'-'ic ou l.iiy WEAVE take 45Q 73" Vr Nesa.
CHEVROLF.T 1-ton truek. $1511 PIERCE-ARROW roadeter. 1920 mode DolsJi 2'l 2 uni'; $225 dn l.AT01 HETTE. Van Ness, ESSEX '25 COAOH. My type L( k'OVijBJLE 4-pas-enger eport K(); very and in I OlER TV 1175 PDTRE RO Wl LIAS-KNIGHT coupe sedan, 1920 1301 Franklin at Post.
$1 c.lliit condition, both In m-nearsno. HUDSON i Selin. Loos-oniy J'ion cRr frre, fine condition: fsiai, terms lt ue FORD '25 truck, cab body and tiiecliank-allv: will eonfider stoal 1920 sedan: $1,250 irr-d. pc. iii Pelavcnre IHIHRRTY 1175 POTRERO cfir an part pnnieTit, ternis, Phon ov-inaol-d.
extra: on inndltiun 'licoughoii! t-iilunce monthly. PAIGE CO. 1 H2S A NESS. Franklin at Pout st. way.
Must 1.I1. (jai Mr. Ja OrayFton', W1LLV8-KX1CIIT 4 $75 down CilllVROLKT 1920 ton truck for lull MICK U-; Gra stone 73'H, couiie. 1921; excellent me W. l.s Touretie.
(199 Van Net Ml DM.1N ln, chanleal eonaltlon and tires ralr I'lERCE-ARROW. 1920 limousine small it -si iesl car FD ESSEX coupe, late model: $11111 down Slice due Fir arcs Co, 35 11th st. FOIID oaner-h'Mly d-llvery track. 1923 ll't Sacramento ft. 1924 Bl ICK Mneter tl.
4-nsss VI low ii p-' iy. nne i h. 1 sn Nese av. WARD U)E "OTORS CO. 2ll'M toria inmrleteiy reconditioned an, 34.mi nionib; bargain.
9th av Pani-t looi. turilee. DAV'li FINSN loin van hv ANTILLES. OLD JEWELRY. Old GoSd Bought Turn your old useless jewelry Into csh demist gol budges, gold teeth bought, oldlinie watches, silverwaie.
scraps, old platinum, nug -ts. mln ng go! bring or mall. (j. RANDOLPH 8(3 Market st, next third flocr. reenters: any miike.
any tl; Mit iiLn. Writ Lankershlra Hotel, room 427. CLiiTHlML MENS and LADIES'. Pavs $3 50 up Will rail. Also FURS.
HUY. SELL. K.VCH xt-. S74 Mis. I26.
MARM'iN Imp. idsn. Isle 1923: new Duco Buick blue finish, libera Van a tee cab and 'elleot condition, new tires, motoi FOUD truik. U.dv 1-ton. i starter.
$.175. 1301 477 G. O. ES-Ui' coioll. 120.
ii Po-t st ll'-'ii: wl MdiUW II mo, hearse. will or tiade for lighte terms. C. N. WEAVER Push and Van Ness.
car or for eauity in real estate, fre just 1 len-e-Ariow HUDSON broui-han wheels, snecisl l-u-o Tto-eh hon. owl liird. 1111 11 n. ht FOUD '2 like new. Mac reconditioned; 1INI.
123 Ja. ki 1t(24: like n' ear et 3219 ant. 11. Loi-ohloblie llinoii'-lre 251 FLINT 4 nass. onlv terms Htcktcn t.
23 CHEV. snt? couoe: disc, moto to suit. 1512 (.23 GROVE ST. FORI) 1-ton truck. $125; Dodge open MAR.MON 1925 J-puss sedan: hs meter, nlck-l shell.
T)ueo, landau HUDSON '23 coach? tires PIERCE- UltOW 1920 i hntin- set new $350. si Baser sc FORD 1 Ion truck chashls. Al cond FO'iD "2.i: balloon: lots extras; Irons, w. sh. win-r, mirror, bunipe ee-y $173 down.
lull, eas: 1301 run only 1.400 miles: like ne Edward Lowe Motors 2001 Neaa a v. did condition, good paint and rubbe' god paint, uphostery; Franklin sL A 1 'in. 1, a Touctte. (ii)ti V'an Nss. and fully equipped.
1000 Van Ngss PAIGE 1028 VAN NKSS tlnn, $70. MAGGINI. 123 Jackson su.